City of Colfax – Special Council Meeting 7/3/2024
A special meeting of the Colfax Council was called to order by Mayor Krump at 8:01 am via Zoom. Present were Mayor Krump, Council Members Tom Steinolfson and Jesse Moch. Absent were Council Members Scott Gauslow and Shaun Jacobson. Skoog presented a gaming application from Horace Lions Club. Moch motioned to approve the gaming application as presented, seconded by Steinolfson. There being no further business, Moch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Steinolfson. Carried. Adjourned at 8:03 am. City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 6/17/2024
The regular June meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:13pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Kyle Krump, Shaun Jacobson, and Jesse Moch. Absent was Council Member Justin Reiland. Audience members in attendance Amy Clark, Damon Devillers & Zach Hatting with Interstate Engineering, Brittany Hatting, Nathan Berseth, Inis Frankl, Bonnie Gylland, Scott Gauslow, and Kim Berseth. Mayor Olson recognized the audience. Zach with Interstate Engineering is hoping to have plans and specs at the July meeting for the EPAC project for council review and approval. Zach noted that an ad for water loop bids will be placed in the paper June 26th and July 3rd. Zach is almost complete with a memo regarding current and future water usage. Once he is done collecting information, he will have this available to the council. Zach recommends sitting down with SEWU to re-negotiate city contract, asking for 25 gallons per minute. There are no issues with the current infrastructure handling the potential increase in gallons per minute. Zach updated the council on Colfax Meadows 4th. The road is complete, and are currently working on ditches and pond. There will be finishing touches on the road once all other work is complete. Zach supplied council members with the preliminary city comprehensive plan. An informational meeting will be presented by Interstate Engineering on June 27th at 7:30pm. The final plan will be presented at the July meeting for an approval vote. Zach needs any information we have regarding lagoon test reports. Interstate Engineering completed a survey of the Hwy 1 ditches going north. Council is working with the information to find someone to grade the ditch for better water flow. The drain tile behind Gyllands/Jacobsons/Steinolfson’s collapsed. KPH will be replacing the drain tile with a ditch to ensure water flow. A Petition for Annexation of Trackside Addition was received and presented to the Council, and a hearing was open for public comment. Discussion was held. Krump motioned to approve the Petition for Annexation of Trackside Addition as presented, seconded by Moch. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Reiland absent. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-3, Resolution to Rezone Trackside Addition to Commerical was presented. Krump motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Reiland absent. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-4, Resolution Directing Preparation of Engineer’s Report and Cost Estimate for Water and Street Improvement District No. ST24-001 (Trackside Addition) was presented. Krump motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Reiland absent. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-5, Resolution Approving Engineer’s Report and Directing Preparation of Detailed Plans and Specifications for Water and Street Improvement District No. ST24-001 (Trackside Addition) was presented. Krump motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Reiland absent. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-6, Resolution Approving Engineer’s Plans, Specifications and Estimates for Water and Street Improvement District No. ST24-001 (Trackside Addition) was presented. Krump motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Moch. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Reiland absent. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-7, Resolution Creating and Defining the Boundaries for Water and Street Improvement District No. ST24-001 (Trackside Addition) was presented. Krump motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Reiland absent. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-8, Resolution Directing Advertisement for Bids for Water and Street Improvement District No. ST24-001 (Trackside Addition) was presented. Krump motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Reiland absent. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-9, Resolution Determining Sufficiency of Petition Water and Street Improvement District No. ST24-001 (Trackside Addition) was presented. Krump motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Reiland absent. Motion carried. Zach presented the water loop plans/designs to the council for review. Jacobson motioned to accept the plans as presented, seconded by Moch. Carried. Council reviewed the most recent version of the Colfax Reserve developer’s agreement. Discussion was held regarding various points of the revised developer’s agreement. Krump motioned to approve the developer’s Agreement for Colfax Reserve, along with the replat of Colfax Reserve, with the annexation and residential rezoning hearing to be held at the July meeting, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Discussion was held regarding the upgrading to the Insight monitoring system that will also be installed in the EPAC lift station. Council was in agreeance that this would be a good update to be made. The minutes of the May regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Jacobson moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Moch. Motion carried. The financial reports for May were reviewed. Krump made motion to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Jacobson, motion carried. The June bills were reviewed; Krump motioned to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Carried Old Business More solid preliminary numbers are available for the EPAC lift station/water line expansion. Further discussion with land owner will take place. Jeremy Boehm indicated he is working on surveying out a smaller portion of his land to have rezoned as commercial. Some deep-cut grading has occurred on a few roads, but more will be done in the near future. Discussion was held regarding various spots in town, including deep ruts on Laverne. Krump suggested a texting program to send out mass messages to city residents. Skoog will look into an option to get the city set up with it. New Business Election results were presented and discussed. Building permit application for a basement remodel at 607 Blaine St N. Jacobson motioned to approve the application, seconded by Moch. Carried. It was noted that residents need to hire a certified plumber to turn off curb stops before performing work. The city is not able to provide this service. Council will work on a long-term solution to a water employee. The 2025 proposed city budget was presented to the council. Krump motioned to approve the budget as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Mayor Report Jeff presented his concession speech as outgoing mayor. There being no further business, Krump made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Adjourned at 10:14pm. City of Colfax – Special Council Meeting 5/30/2024
A special meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 2:00pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson and Council Member Kyle Krump. Absent was Shaun Jacobson, Jesse Moch, Justin Reiland. Quorum not met. Audience members in attendance Nathan Berseth, Zach Hatting, Britt Hatting, Amy Clark. Purpose of the special meeting was to continue discussion on the proposed Colfax Reserve Addition logistics and developer’s agreement. Discussion was held regarding access points. Agreed to include that Phase 2 would have an access point to the East, with exact details to be determined at a later date. Discussion was held regarding annexation. It was agreed to annex the whole property (Phase 1 & 2) simultaneously, however, it will be platted separately. Discussion was held regarding assessment of future lagoon expansion. It was agreed that the Reserve would cover their share of the lagoon expansion, since this is measurable. Also agreed that reservoir expansion will be assessed across the board similar to other properties. Discussion was held regarding ceasing lot sales if the reservoir capacity is reached and city’s plans for future projects. Discussion was held on green space/park space in Colfax Meadows 4th and Reserve. Discussion was held and an agreement reached that residents are responsible for culverts, however, the size and where to purchase will need to be indicated in the building permit. Discussion was held and an agreement reached to increase water hookup fees to $2,500 going forward. Discussion was held and an agreement reached to add 1% upcharge for the BND loan. Discussion was held on snow removal & road maintenance for Trackside & Reserve. Discussion was held on the city having control of how future ‘shouses’ look. Nathan will finish his covenants and share with the city to put worries at ease. Being no further topics, meeting was adjourned. City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 5/20/2024
The regular May meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:03pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Kyle Krump, Shaun Jacobson, Jesse Moch, Justin Reiland. Audience members in attendance Brittany Hatting, Amy Clark, Grant Loff, Pete Krump, Karen Krump, Nancy Kelly, Nathan Berseth, Damon Devillers, Zach Hatting, Inis Frankl, Bonnie Gylland, Kim Berseth, Jesse Rieger, Blaine Kummer, Scott Gauslow, Tom Steinolfson, Seri Moch, Jeremy Boehm, Vance Gylland, and Tom Wulfkuehle. Mayor Olson recognized the audience. Zach with Interstate Engineering pre presented the final plat for Trackside Addition. The council was asked to approve the plat, conditional of the annexation request to be brought forth to the council at the June 2024 council meeting. Vote was called. Moch – yes, Jacobson – yes, Krump – yes. Carried. As part of the water extension line/EPAC project, Zach presented a map of the new proposed waterline and suggested that an easement be obtained at the corner of Grant & Co Hwy 4. Zach commented that the corner is ‘a mess’, indicating water lines being placed haphazardly with different pipe sizes. Interstate will be working to clean this up when completing the water line extension. Zach will provide final specs so the City can submit cost-share paperwork for construction & DWSRF funding. Zach reported that a portion of the roads were graveled in Colfax Meadows 4th before the rain, and they are holding until rain stops and roads dry up. Grading, seeding, and pond work will also happen once the ground has dried up. Zach also presented a memo regarding the current lagoon capacity and what that looks like moving forward with developments. It was emphasized that sump pumps are currently a huge problem when draining into the lagoon system, thus taking up needed space in the system. Residents are asked to make sure to drain outdoors whenever possible! Zach reviewed two different scenarios, taking into consideration current population along with other possibilities of population expansion, which includes if Colfax Meadows 3 & 4 were fully built out. The council is aware that this is an urgent topic and future discussions will be held. Insight program will be installed into the EPAC lift station to record run times, be able to talk to other lift stations in town to time pumping, and to notify any issues. Zach suggested that the city upgrades the other lift stations to include Insight, allowing for communication between all lift stations. As soon as storm water flooding goes down near Co Rd 1 & Co Rd 4, Interstate Engineering will survey the corner to evaluate levels, and determine what may need to be done for drainage. Zach is working on the final estimate on EPAC project so the city can move forward with the assessment district. A Hearing was held regarding the proposed Chapter 6 - Zoning Ordinance revisions. Discussion was held. Moch motioned to approve the proposed Chapter 6 changes, seconded by Krump. A roll call vote was called. Reiland – yes, Moch – yes, Jacobson – yes, Krump – yes. Passed. Rezoning Request Hearing was held to rezone the following property to residential, and to hear and consider objections to the survey as made: COLFAX BOEHM SUBD LOT 2 BLK 1, CITY OF COLFAX, RICHLAND COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA. Discussion was held. A vote was called. Reiland – yes, Moch – yes, Jacobson – yes, Krump – yes. It was noted that Jeremy Boehm will need to request his property be rezoned to Commercial to meet the new zoning requirements. Once this formal request is received from Jeremy, a hearing will take place. A developer’s agreement for the new Trackside Addition was presented via email to the council by Brittany Hatting on 5/17/2024. Discussion was held. Krump motioned to approve the following items, pending approval of the annexation request at the June meeting: the presented developer’s agreement, the creation of a special assessments district, and allow Jeff to sign off on the final agreement once received. The motion was seconded by Moch. Carried. Britany Hatting presented and reviewed the Colfax Reserve Development Premises sheet. Discussion was held. Concerns were raised regarding timing of the Colfax Reserve approval and the City Comprehensive plan review, along with timing of the lagoon capacity report. Krump motioned for general consensus for process, including a hearing on the preliminary plat and rezoning at the regular meeting on June 17, 2024, seconded by Reiland. A vote was called – Reiland – yes, Moch – no, Krump – yes, Jacobson – yes. A special meeting will take place on May 30th at 2pm via Zoom to further discuss the proposed developer’s agreement. The minutes of the April regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Reiland moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Krump. Motion carried. The financial reports for April were reviewed. Krump made motion to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Jacobson, motion carried. The May bills were reviewed; Krump motioned to approve the bills as presented, adding True North Steel for $1,863, removing Superior Plumbing and EMC (EMC is being renewed and a bill will be presented in June), seconded by Moch. Carried Reiland will order a curb key for city use and have it charged to the city. Old Business Brady Kummer will blade streets again after the rain events this week. Olson reported that the Comprehensive Plan committee will be having another meeting soon, and will be able to present the full plan in the near future. New Business Building Permits for the following addresses were presented to the council: 601 Blaine, 302 Neuman, 105 Neuman, 305 Neuman, 208 Laverne, 304 Neuman. Krump motioned to approve the building permits as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Another small sink hole has appeared on 2nd Ave in the same location as last year. Council will need to evaluate the situation to decide further action. Home Rule Charter information was presented to the council. Discussion was held. Krump motioned to move forward with initiating the Home Rule Charter process, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Chad Lingen filed his resignation from city employment effective immediately. Krump motioned to accept the resignation as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Caried. A new City water employee will need to be established. An annual contract with ND Sewage & Pump was presented to the council. Reiland motioned to approve the contract, seconded by Krump. Carried. There being no further business, Reiland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Moch. Carried. Adjourned at 10:22pm. City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 4/15/2024
The regular April meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:15pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Kyle Krump, Shaun Jacobson, Jesse Moch, Justin Reiland. Audience members in attendance Amy Clark, Lyle Boehm, Josh Boehm, Inis Frankl, Nathan Berseth, Brittany Hatting, Nancy Kelly. Mayor Olson recognized the audience. Berseth presented a Petition to Annex along with a preliminary plat approval request for Trackside & Colfax Reserve-Phase One. Discussion was held. Berseth respectively withdrew his Petition to Annex and preliminary plat request for Colfax Reserve-Phase One, leaving his revised requests including only Trackside. Reiland motioned to move forward with the annexation request for trackside, with a hearing to be held at the Mary meeting, pending an updated Petition to Annex, 2nd by Krump. Krump motioned to approve the preliminary plat request for Trackside, with the hearing to be held at the May meeting, pending approval of the Petition to Annex, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Lyle & Josh Boehm presented a building permit application to move the house on the West side of Co Rd 1 to a foundation in Boehm Addition. Discussion was held. Council requested two modifications be made to the request, including a full re-siding of the home to ensure all siding matches, and the addition of a project completion date of 12/31/24. Approval is pending Todd’s approval. Krump motioned to approve the request as presented, including required modifications to the request, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Boehms also requested Colfax Boehm Subd Lot 2 Block 1 be zoned as residential. Krump motioned to move forward with the rezoning request hearing, seconded by Moch. Carried. A rezoning request will take place at the May meeting. The minutes of the March regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Krump moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Jacobons. Motion carried. The financial reports for March were reviewed. Moch made motion to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Jacobson, motion carried. The April bills were reviewed; Reiland motioned to approve the bills as presented, adding bills for US Treasury for $550.80 and Richland County for $962, seconded by Krump. Carried Old Business Cost share funds for the Waterloop project was approved and Interstate Engineering will be moving forward with the project. The Reservoir expansion project was removed from the waterlooping project due to changes in the state guidelines. Work will continue on locating other funding sources to allow for the project to move forward. Zach reported plans are not yet complete for the EPAC lift station/water line project, however he is working on them. Skoog is working on submitting funding paperwork. Discussion was held regarding the JPA Loan opportunity for the Comprehensive Plan. Jacobson motioned to approve the city moving forward with the JPA loan, seconded by Moch. Carried. The Council will hold a hearing at the May meeting to review and approve the Chapter Six Zoning: Land Use Planning changes. Contractor is working on finishing up the Colfax Meadows 4th project. Olson will have Brady Kummer start blading roads in town. The 3rd meeting for the City Comprehensive plan is on 4/16/2024. The completed plan should be available to the council by mid-summer. Skoog continues to work on updates and changes regarding the community center rentals and processes. The City Council received 3 mowing bids for the 2024 season. Discussion was held. Krump motioned to approve the bid from Trace Bakke, $165 per mow, seconded by Moch. Carried. The 2025 Budget will be reviewed at the May meeting. New Business Gravel bids were reviewed. Reiland motioned to accept the 2024 gravel bid from TJM, seconded by Krump. Carried. Water bills will be moving to the 1st of the month. All meters will continue to be read on the 1st of each month, with a bill being send out immediately after meters are read, with payment due the 20th of each month. Amy Clark will provide further information regarding Home Rule Charter for the council’s consideration. There being no further business, Reiland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Adjourned at 9:15pm City of Colfax – Tax Equalization Meeting 4/15/2024
The Equalization Meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:00pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Kyle Krump, Shaun Jacobson, Jesse Moch, Justin Reiland. Audience members in attendance were Wendy Matejcek with Richland County Assessor’s Office, Amy Clark, Lyle Boehm, Josh Boehm, Inis Frankl, Nathan Berseth, Brittany Hatting, Nancy Kelly. Olson recognized the audience and turned the meeting over to Wendy with the Richland County Assessor’s Office. Wendy talked through the Sales Ratio Study, the Credits and Exemptions, Mobile Home Report, and the City Taxable Valuation & Mills information on the handouts provided to the council. The Council & Audience members brought forth questions on specific properties. Discussion was held. A couple adjustments will occur with BLB Meadows 4th properties, and the Boehm property. Krump motioned to approve the Richland County Assessor’s Office Report as presented, seconded by Moch. Carried. Jacobson motioned to adjourn the City of Colfax Equalization Meeting, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Adjourned at 7:15pm. City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 3/18/2024
The regular March meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:02pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Jesse Moch, Kyle Krump and Shaun Jacobson. Absent was Justin Reiland. Audience members in attendance were Jeremy Boehm, Todd Johnson, Kim Berseth, Bonnie Gylland, Inis Frankl, Scott Gauslow, Zach Hatting with Interstate Engineering, and Thomas Dahl with McGough. Olson recognized the audience. Hatting provided an update regarding the city planning comprehensive plan. The 2nd advisory meeting was complete, and another one is scheduled soon. Hatting also reported that the state changed their fuding policies effective October 2023 and will no longer fund water projects involving growth, thus the previously proposed reservoir expansion project will no longer qualify for the 60% cost share; however, they did pre-approve the 60% cost share for the water loop project, with the final decision to be made at their April meeting. Design work will be on hold until official approval is received. Discussion was held regarding the option of removing the reservoir expansion from the overall project, along with discussions on lagoon capacity. Further discussion will be held at the April meeting. Hatting reported that the EPAC lift station/water line project is moving forward. Skoog confirmed that funding paperwork is currently in progress. Hatting updated that once the ground dries up more, the Meadows 4th addition will be finished soon. Thomas Dahl presented a building permit request for the EPAC center project. Discussion was held regarding timing of the project. Todd Johnson indicated that he is working with McGough and has approved the building plans. Moch motioned to approve the permit as presented, seconded by Krump. Approved. Nathan Berseth was contacted via phone to assist in answering questions regarding his annexation request of the property North of Colfax Meadows 3rd. The council is waiting on a formal petition to annex before moving forward. Discussion was held regarding the proposed Chapter Six Zoning – Land Use Planning changes, with proposed changes being reviewed. The intention is to have a hearing at the April meeting, pending discussion with the city attorney. The minutes of the February regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Jacobson moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Krump. Motion carried. The financial reports for January & February were reviewed. Moch made a motion to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. The March bills were reviewed; Krump motioned to approve the bills as presented, placing a hold on Interstate Engineering bills until further review, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Old Business Gravel bids will be reviewed at the April meeting. Updates to the building permit application are currently being worked on. Krump motioned to increase the auditor salary to $1,200/month effective January 1st, 2024, seconded by Moch. Carried. New Business Skoog will contact T&G for a spring cleanup date. The spring letter will be sent out once this is scheduled. Request for mowing bids will be posted this week, and all bids will be due by April 11th. Paperwork regarding the AFFF MDL Settlement was received and reviewed. The council agreed to move forward with signing the required paperwork, allowing the city to benefit from the settlement. This settlement was brought to the city’s attention by the city attorney, and may result in damage awards. The MT Septic agreement was presented to the council. Jeff signed the agreement, allowing MT Septic to dispose waste into the city system in exchange for compensation. Bonnie Gylland brought forth concerns regarding rust found in her filters from the line coming into her home. Discussion was held. Mayor Report Discussion was held regarding the community center operation. Skoog is working on new rates and operation proposal. This will continue to be reviewed at future meetings. There being no further business, Krump made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Adjourned at 8:38 pm. City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 2/19/2024
The regular February meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:01pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Justin Reiland, Jesse Moch and Shaun Jacobson. Absent was Kyle Krump. Audience members in attendance were Josh Boehm, Lyle Boehm, Kim Berseth, Bonnie Gylland, Inis Frankl, Perry Miller. Mayor Olson recognized the audience. Berseth expressed appreciation for having the online payment option available. Perry Miller introduced himself as one of the Richland County Commissioners, and noted that he is working on attending each city council meeting. Perry spoke about the proposal that Jeff brought forth to the JPA to help cover the cost of a comprehensive city planning process, and expressed positive feedback regarding our request, noting that Colfax is the first to request money for this type of project. The JPA meets once a month and will make a final decision at their next meeting. Jesse continued discussion regarding the Chapter Six Zoning – Land Use Planning ordinance. Lyle and Josh brought forth further information, the council reviewed some examples of other local equipment lots and distances from roads. Discussion was held. Council reviewed the final proposed changes. Contact will be made with the city attorney before publishing for a future hearing, intended for the March meeting. The minutes of the January regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Reiland moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Motion carried. A draft of the 2023 financials was presented. Skoog reviewed some of the 2018/2019 audit and changes needing to be made going forward. A final report will be presented once audit changes have been made. The February bills were reviewed; Reiland motioned to approve the bills as presented, placing a hold on Interstate Engineering bills until further approval, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Discussion was held regarding current water bill accounts. Multiple attempts have been made with a construction company that owns 3 properties. If not paid, water will be suspended. Old Business No update on Colfax Meadows 4th Addition. Skoog submitted the Cost-Share paperwork for the Water Loop/Reservoir Expansion project. Currently waiting on review and approval. No updated on the EPAC project. It was noted that the curb stop requirement will be added to the building permit, among other adjustments. Gravel bids will be arriving in the near future, and road maintenance will begin once we are able. The community center is officially under city council management. Skoog is working on updating rental processes, will be installing a key pad on the side door, and access to the thermostat app will need to be figured out. Council agreed that they will wait until the comprehensive plan is done before processing any future annexation requests. New Business Elections will be held on June 11th, 2024. Candidates are required to file the required paperwork by 4pm on April 8, 2024. All information and paperwork can be found on the city website Skoog brought forth the topic of a salary increase for the auditor position. Council will bring a salary proposal for discussion at the March meeting, intended to be retroactive to January 1, 2024. The City Equalization meeting will be held on April 15th @ 7pm. There being no further business, Reiland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Moch. Carried. Adjourned at 8:24pm. City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 1/15/2024
The regular January meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:01pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Kyle Krump, Justin Reiland, Jesse Moch and Shaun Jacobson. Audience members in attendance were Jeremy Boehm, Lyle Boehm, Josh Boehm, Nathan Berseth, Peter Wang, and Zach Hatting with Interstate Engineering Mayor Olson recognized the audience. Zach with Interstate Engineering reported that digging in Colfax Meadows 4th was started, but due to the cold, they are waiting until next week to continue. The feasibility study has been submitted and Zach will assist with submitting further information through the grant portal. Zach also reported that the EPAC has agreed to move forward with the drawings and bid process, aiming for Spring construction. The BND loan application needs to be submitted and Zach will assist with completing some of this information. Regarding the comprehensive plan, the kickoff meeting took place last week, and the city has identified people for the focus groups. Zach also met with SEWU and discussed future water needs. Moch reviewed the proposed changes to Chapter Six Zoning – Land Use Planning document. Discussion was held with Lyle Boehm regarding the proposed changes. It was noted that an ordinance review will also be included with the Comprehensive Plan being completed by July. Further discussion and a first reading is planned to be held at the February meeting with a published meeting in March. Berseth provided a quick update on a couple possible developments he is working on, and a brief update regarding the EPAC center. The minutes of the December regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Krump moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Motion carried. The financial report for 2023 will be available for the February meeting. The December bills were reviewed; Jacobson motioned to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Krump. Carried. Discussion was held regarding current water bill accounts. Contact will be made with Silverline Homes regarding their outstanding balance. Old Business Resolution 2024-1, Resolution Establishing Commercial Zoning and Building Fees was presented. Krump motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Moch. Role call vote: Reiland-yes, Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-2, Resolution Authorizing Filing Assistance Application with NDDEQ for Lead Service Inventory. Moch motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes, Reiland-yes. Motion carried. New Business Discussion was held regarding the annexation of additional land and will be further discussed at the February meeting. Olson and Krump will be attending the JPA meeting on Friday to further discuss and present a cost-share request for comprehensive city planning. There being no further business, Reiland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Krump. Carried. Adjourned at 8:57pm. City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 12/18/2023
The regular December meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:02pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Kyle Krump, Justin Reiland, Jesse Moch and Shaun Jacobson. Absent was Auditor Jen Skoog. Audience members in attendance were Nancy Kelly, Jeremy Boehm, Rachel as planner for Interstate Engineering via Zoom, Amy Clark, Inis Frankl, Chad Ulven, Nathan Berseth, Bonnie Gylland, and Zach Hatting with Interstate Engineering Mayor Olson recognized the audience. Zach and Rachel reviewed the Comprehensive Plan, including kickoff, focus group meetings (citizens, school, developers, etc.), the plan draft, economic development, review of existing infrastructure, zoning, implementation strategy, and the final plan. We also need to consider a website for our plan, making it more accessible for developers (example: We will have 6 months to complete the project, starting in January/February 2024. Jesse motioned to accept the proposal, seconded by Krump. Carried. Zach also provided an update regarding the Colfax Meadows 4th. They will be coming back to dig the pond in the next few weeks. Zach also reported that the report for the reservoir expansion will be ready for the next meeting. He also hasn’t started design work on the waterline expansion as this is pending EPAC final decision, which should be taking place January 3rd. Nancy Kelly presented information for a new development called Colfax Reserve. This would consist of 1-2 acre lots. They are currently looking at annexation in February, plat approval after, and building in phases starting in fall 2024. Discussion was held regarding water, reservoir expansion, and specials assessed. No decision at this time. A discussion was held with Clark regarding the annexation process and the path moving forward. Further discussion will be held at the January meeting. Discussion was also held regarding the proposed commercial building fees. The council reviewed the proposed changes and discussed needing a list of what inspection services would be provided for commercial buildings, specifically the EPAC center. Further discussion needs to be had with Todd Johnson. Clark reviewed the Amendment of Chapter Six Zoning – Land Use Planning, specifically covering the conditional use permitting for Ag land use. The council will need to review and send edits to Clark for change/approval in January. Jesse and Shaun will take the amendments to the committee. The minutes of the November regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Krump moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Motion carried. The financial reports for November were not available due to Skoog’s absence. The November bills were reviewed; Krump motioned to approve the bills as presented, adding Brady Kummer and Colfax Township, and removing Interstate Engineering, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Olson proposed that the city pay Jen Skoog an additional $1,000 in 2023 for cover extra city and audit work performed. Reiland motioned to accept the proposal, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Payment will be made at the end of the year and will come out of the general fund. Water bills were reviewed with no major issues to note. Old Business Discussion was held regarding the issue of raising curb stops and having this as part of the final inspection. Further information will be needed from Todd Johnson. Clark is working to have the Community Center transferred to the City Council. New Business Resolution 2023-09, Resolution for an increased water rate of $.25 per 1,000 gallons. This rate would be effective 1/1/2024 and will be increased across all water users in Colfax. Jacobson motioned to approve the resolution, seconded by Reiland. Roll call – Jacobson-yes, Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Reiland-yes. Krump motioned to compensate $100 to Steve Haverland for use of his heated shop, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Krump motioned to approve the Colfax Bar Beer/Liquor license for 2024, seconded by Reiland. Carried. There being no further business, Krump made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Adjourned at 9:03pm. |
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December 2024
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