City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 5/15/2023
The regular May meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:01pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Kyle Krump, Justin Reiland, Jesse Moch and Shaun Jacobson. Audience members in attendance were Inis Frankl, Megan Kummer, Nathan Berseth, and Susan Bowman. Mayor Olson recognized the audience. Megan Kummer reported to the council that the EPAC organization is ready to move forward with having a special assessment placed on a water line to the new building, however there is no word on the lift station. Reiland advised Kummer that it is usually best practice to combine the lift station and the water line when requesting bids. Kummer will relay the message to the EPAC council. Kummer also notified the council that EPAC will be requesting rezoning for either the June or the July meeting. A formal request will be submitted and published once received. Berseth reported that he is still waiting on Hammond for the fire hydrant repairs. Berseth also reported he will work on leveling the ruts on Laverne. It was noted that the roads in Colfax Meadows Third need gravel. Once weight restrictions are off, the city will be laying gravel down. Construction on Meadows Fourth addition will start in July. Berseth confirmed that tractor rental for snow removal is $100 per hour of use. Olson provided an overview on the City Planning meeting that took place in April. Presenters went through the different processes the city can go through to put together a larger comprehensive City Plan. To put the actual plan together, it would cost the city $10K-$40K. Berseth reported that there is a possibility that Richland JPA would consider a cost share if the city decides to move forward with the comprehensive plan. A formal application would need to be submitted. Discussion was held regarding Boehm’s equipment on the West side of town. All equipment currently parked on the East side of Co Rd 1 needs to be moved back to the West side of Co Rd 1. Susan reported she is working with Gene to purchase the trailer house/property to the south of the community center. Once complete, they will be working to clean up the property over the next few months. Susan also brought forth concern about the lots south of her, reporting that nothing is being maintained, and there have been times people have dumped trash there. Susan requested that action be taken to ensure these lots are maintained. The minutes of the April Equalization Meeting and the April regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Krump moved to approve both sets of minutes as presented, seconded by Reiland. Motion carried. The financial reports for April were reviewed. Moch made motion to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Krump, motion carried. The May bills were reviewed; Reiland motioned to approve the bills as presented, adding bills for John Myers and Nathan Berseth, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Old Business No update regarding the Water loop to the new addition. The Fire hydrant repair will take place once the ground dries up a bit more. No update regarding the Grant Street Improvements. No update regarding the Community Center management being transfered to the City. Skoog reported that the Homeland Security Grant application has been submitted. Skoog will be submitting the Snow Removal Assistance application in the next couple weeks, once the remaining bills have been received. The city received two gravel bids, one from TJM trucking and another from Krause Brothers. Reiland motioned to accept the bid from TJM Trucking for 2023 gravel, seconded by Krump. Carried. Cleanup day will be held Tuesday May 16th. It was brought forth that the Railroad crossing has a number of stakes sticking up, thus posing a difficult crossing for traffic. Olson will contact the county requesting that they work with railroad company to have this repaired. New Business 4 mowing bids were received for the 2023 season. After review of all bids, Reiland motioned to accept Adam Skoog’s bid, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Krump motioned to approve the 2024 Preliminary Budget as presented to the council, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. There being no further business, Reiland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Krump. Carried. Adjourned at 8:40 pm. |
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