City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 11/21/2022
The regular November Meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:00pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members, Justin Reiland, Shaun Jacobson, and Kyle Krump. Absent was Council Member Jesse Moch. Audience members in attendance were Amy Clark, Lyle Boehm, Pan Boehm, Megan Kummer, Nicole Holdman, and Bonnie Gylland. Olson recognized the audience. Amy Clark presented an update on the Performing Arts Center. Land has been secured East of town. Next steps would be a zoning change from agricultural to commercial. Then discussions need to be done on either updating the existing lift station in cooperation with the project, or the project installing a new lift station of their own. The project would take care of its own septic, unless the city would be interested in upgrading the lift station with the project. EPAC team also inquired if the city is considering a water tower, which would affect the space between the two buildings and the fire safety planning within the building project. Council confirmed that the city does not currently have a water tower in the future planning. Discussion was held regarding the timing of the project and details surrounding the lift station. No further questions from the council at this time. Lyle Boehm presented a plat draft designed by Interstate Engineering for the Wold Addition. Due to adjustments, the original right of way would need to be adjusted and Wold Way would need to be vacated. The engineer made these adjustments on the plat draft. It was noted again that the developer is responsible for contacting Cass County Electric about installing any street lights and are responsible for the cost of installation. Once streetlights are installed, the city would cover the cost of the monthly electric bill. Council will review the proposed plat and vote on it during the December meeting. The minutes of the October Regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Krump moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Financial report for October was reviewed. Reiland made motion, seconded by Krump to approve financial reports, motion carried. The October bills were reviewed; Jacobson motioned to approve the bills as presented, plus Key Contracting for $5850 and Shaun Jacobson for $27.75, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Past Due water accounts were reviewed. Skoog confirmed that one resident past due water bill was submitted for special assessments. Old Business No further update on the Water loop. Regarding the City snow blower/tractor, Olson talked to Nathan Berseth and he is willing to rent us his tractor at $100/hour with no minimum (pay only for hours used). Discussion needs to be held regarding maintenance/break downs. Olson will contact John and Brady about running the tractor/blower. As of the meeting, the damaged fire hydrant had not yet been repaired. With the ground not being frozen yet, there is still a possibility of it being fixed before winter. No updated on the Grant Street Repairs/Improvement. Regarding the Phelps property, a legal letter has been sent, he has until November 30th to clean up the property. New Business Skoog presented a mortgage release for approval. Krump motioned to approve a mortgage release in Colfax Meadows 3rd Addition for Lot 7 Block 3, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Reiland motioned to adopt the Richland County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan, seconded by Jacobson. Carried Skoog reported that we have reached the max capacity for our current email account through Red River Communications. A new gmail account will be set up and a forward email will link the old account to the new one. Only one RFP Proposal was received by the deadline. Interview with Interstate Engineering will occur at the December Meeting. There being no further business, Reiland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Adjourned at approximately 8:15pm. |
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