City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 7/17/2023
The regular July meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:00pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Jesse Moch and Shaun Jacobson. Absent was Justin Reiland and Kyle Krump. Audience members in attendance were Bonnie Gylland, Inis Frankl, Landon Holt with Gentry Homes, Scott Schmidt, Nathan Moen, Michelle Eichenberger, and Krystel Magnuson. Olson recognized the audience. Landon Holt with Gentry Homes presented a building permit request for 609 Blaine Street. Moch motioned to approve the permit, pending approval from Todd Johnson, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Scott Schmidt presented a building permit request to add a deck to the High School football building. Moch motioned to approve the permit, pending approval from Todd Johnson, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Michelle represents a client who is looking to purchase a lot from Blazek, who owns the property on the West side of town North of Boehm. Since Boehm was unable to attend the meeting, Olson showed council members what Lyle Boehm had sent him regarding a proposed plan for that property. Discussion was held. No decisions can be made since there is not a formal proposal. Skoog presented a gaming application from Horace Lions Club. Nathan Moen explained that the fire dept is unable to place gaming into the Colfax Bar due to some state regulations, therefore they working with Horace Lions Club to have gaming installed until next year. Jacobson motioned to approve the application, seconded by Moch. Carried. Bonnie brought forth concerns regarding the equipment on the East side of Co Rd 1 on Boehm’s residential property. Discussion was held. Boehm is required to move the equipment within 2 weeks. The minutes of the June regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Moch moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Motion carried. Jacobson motioned to amend the May minutes, removing ‘Absent was Jesse Moch and Kyle Krump’, seconded by Moch. Carried. The financial reports for June were reviewed. Jacobson made a motion to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Moch. Carried. The July bills were reviewed; Moch motioned to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Old Business Engineers were unable to attend the meeting, but will discuss an update to the Water Loop project at the August meeting. Olson is currently looking for someone to run the road grader in town. TJM will need a map of where to put gravel. A formal letter was received from Richland #44 Foundation requesting a rezoning and assessment district for the water line and lift station. Official hearing will happen at the August meeting. No updated regarding the Community Center organization. Olson will talk to Amy Clark. Olson talked to Phelps regarding cleanup of his property. Phelps requested that he have through the July 4th long weekend to continue cleanup work, of which Olson approved. Many items have been cleared, and Olson asked about roofing material and when the project will be completed however no answer has been received. A $10k Snow Removal assistance program payment has been received. New Business Resolution 2023-07, Resolution Approving Contractor’s Bond for Water, Sewer and Street Improvement District NO. 2023-01 was presented. Moch motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Jacobson-yes, Olson-yes. Absent: Krump, Reiland. Motion carried. There being no further business, Jacobson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Moch. Carried. Adjourned at 7:58 pm. |
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