City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 8/16/2021
The regular August Meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Krump at 7:00pm. Present were Council Members Tom Wulfekuhle, Justin Reiland, Kyle Krump, Paul Lucas, and auditor Jen Skoog. Absent was Mayor Jeff Olson. Audience members in attendance were Tom Frankl, Inis Frankl, Bonnie Gylland, Berry Wellnitz, Amber Wellnitz, Nathan Berseth, and Bob Schmidt. Berry and Amber Wellnitz approached the City Council requesting a building permit to finish their basement, and to erect a fence in their yard for a future daycare. Berseth provided the council a copy of the covenant regarding fences. Wellnitz was asked to complete the building permit application and pay the $50 fee before the application would be approved. Bob Schmidt approached the council with building permit applications to move in two twin homes onto 4 lots to be purchased from Nathan Berseth. Each home would straddle two lots, technically leaving each lot as a single family dwelling. A variance would be needed to have the homes closer than 8 feet of the property line. Discussion was held. Since Berseth owns all the surrounding lots needed for the variance, he was present and verbally agreed to the variance allowing the buildings to be placed up to the property line on Lots 6,7,8,9 in Block 1. Wulfekuhle motioned to accept the variance on condition of a written agreement being received by Berseth, seconded by Reiland. Carried. The council reviewed the two building permits presented by Schmidt. Discussion was held. Wulfekuhle motioned to approve the building permits on condition of the following terms: pending Todd Johnson’s approval of the permits, purchase of Lots 6,7,8,9 Block 1 from Berseth, and brick on the front of the homes will be replaced to update the appearance; seconded by Lucas. Carried. Berseth requested release of Lot 15 Block 2, Lot 8 Block 2, Lot 27 Block 3, and Lots 6,7,8,9 Block 1. Wulfekuhle motioned to release the requested lots, seconded by Lucas. Carried. Tom Frankl brought forth concerns regarding the current state of the Phelps property. Wulfekuhle will speak to Phelps about cleaning up his yard again. The minutes of the July Regular City Council meeting were reviewed; Wulfekuhle moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Financial report for July was reviewed. Wulfekuhle made motion, seconded by Reiland to approve financial reports, motion carried. The August bills and meter reading differences for the month of July were reviewed; Wulfekuhle motioned to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Lucas. Carried. Old Business No update regarding the Savion Project. No update regarding Water Loop Project. No update regarding the Residents Info Sheet. Regarding a snow blower for the city, Wulfekuhle talked to RDO and received bids on two different blowers. Discussion was held with no decision being made at this time. Reiland will provide a quote for repair of the fire hydrant. Wulfekuhle placed some posts and informed a couple residents of the new branch disposal location in town. Skoog will make some requested changes to the building permit application council the council will review at the next meeting. Discussion was held regarding the Berg culvert replacement. With the current price of steel, and the fact construction still taking place on the property, the topic was tabled for future discussion. New Business Lucas approached the board and provided his official resignation from the Colfax City Council. Reiland motioned to approve the resignation, seconded by Wulfekuhle. Carried. Postings for the open position on the council will need to be posted for 15 days. Council will discuss appointment at the next meeting. Council reviewed the building permit completed by Wellnitz. Wulf motioned to approve the building permit, pending Todd’s approval and fencing materials will comply with the required covenant, seconded by Lucas. Carried. Building permit for 303 Neuman (Little Residence) was presented to the council. This permit was not presented by the inspector prior to building, therefore the approval would be retroactive. Reiland motioned to approve the building permit, seconded by Lucas. Carried. Wulfekuhle reported that various residents have asked about having a Fall City Clean-up. Council decided that only one cleanup will occur at this time in the Spring. Mayor’s Report Jeff attended the FEMA meeting held by Richland County Emergency Management. Not much to report at this point, however we are listed as attending and qualify for any programs that may arise. There being no further business, Wulfekuhle made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Lucas. Carried. Adjourned at 8:37pm. |
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