City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 7/25/2022
The regular July Meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:03pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members, Jesse Moch, Shaun Jacobson and Kyle Krump. Absent was council member Justin Reiland and Auditor Jen Skoog. Audience members in attendance were Tom Wulfekuhle, Bonnie Gylland, Inis Frankl, Todd Johnson, and Josh Boehm. Jeff recognized the audience. Todd Johnson reported that there were 13 new houses in 2021/22. The remodel at Wallace place is done and sold. Lyle Boehm property was discussed with Joshua Boehm. Freeberg building is progressing and the final inspection was completed at 205 Neuman. Tod submitted an invoice for all work completed on 2021-22 permits. Todd has reviewed and is good with the Eagle Valley deck. Todd will add site plan with distances to lot edges. Joshua Boehm requested an update on the Broadway Street right-of-way in the Wold Development. He is looking for the city to abandon the right-of-way so Boehm can meet the 1 acre lot required to put in septic systems. Olson will be meeting with Interstate Engineering to discuss. A Glacial Ent bill will be paid as presented. City dust control was discussed. Tom brought up for discussion the possibility of a future school building to store mini-buses and the possibility of the City abandoning the street to the West of the High School. Also mentioned was that the parcel just south of the church is owned by the city. All topics were tabled for future discussion. The minutes of the June Regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Krump moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Financial report for June was reviewed. Jacobson made a motion to approve the financial reports as presented, seconded by Moch. Carried. The July bills and June meter reading differences were reviewed, adding the bills presented for Todd Johnson and Glacial Ent; Krump motioned to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Old Business Discussion was held regarding water hydrant locks. Krump has estimates for locks. The most concerning are the park hydrants. No action as this time. No update regarding the Savion Energy project. Tom will touch up the grass cutting in the lagoon area. Regarding the new Water Loop project, Jeff will be meeting with the engineer in a couple weeks to implement the study. Motion made by Krump to access waterboard cost-share to conduct water study, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. No updated regarding the city snowblower and tractor. It was noted to have the council continue to research options and explore a tractor lease option with west river. Jeff will reach out to Nathan Berseth regarding the hydrant repair. If it is not repaired by September 30th, the city will repair and charge back to Berseth. No update regarding the Grant Street Improvement project. No update regarding the city culvert clean-outs. Jeff will work to contact unkept yard owners No update regarding the new gaming application implementation. New Business City Council Reorganization. Olson recognized the election results, appointing Jesse Moch as the newest member of the city council. Olson nominated Kyle Krump as President. Jacobson motioned to accept, seconded by Moch. Carried. Jacobson nominated Justin Reiland as Vice-President. Krump motioned to accept the nomination, seconded by Olson. Carried. Olson appointed Jen Skoog as Auditor for 2 years, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Olson recommended Amy Clark as City Attorney. Krump motioned to accept the recommendation, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Moch motioned to appoint Interstate Engineering as the city engineer, seconded by Krump. Carried. Moch motioned to approve a building permit application for a deck to be built onto home at 607 Blaine Street, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. In September, Kyle will spray for dandelions in ditches and the city will cover the cost of the chemical. There being no further business, Krump made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Moch. Carried. |
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