City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 6/15/2020
The regular June Meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Gauslow at 7:03pm. Present were Mayor Scott Gauslow, Council Members Jeff Olson, Neil Berseth, Kyle Krump, Tom Wulfekuhle, and auditor Jen Skoog. Also in attendance was Nathan Berseth, Kim Berseth, Paul Lucas, Dave Pasqual, Justin Reiland, City Attorney Amy Clark with Smith and Strege Ltd, and Kief Phelps. Gauslow recognized Nathan Berseth. Nathan brought forth updated plans for land north of ball diamonds. He proposed zoning of commercial lots along the South end while keeping the remaining space agricultural. Intentions are to tap into Rural Water off Hwy 1 with septic holding tanks and using Cass County Electric. Olson motioned to offer the 1st reading and publish, seconded by Berseth. Carried. Discussion was held regarding the construction vehicles going through town. Gauslow recognized City Attorney Amy Clark. Amy addressed the Phelps property and asked how satisfied the council is with the current state of the property after clean-up has taken place. Council discussion was held. Wulfkuhle motioned to dismiss the proceedings against Phelps, seconded by Krump. Carried. Amy reviewed how the city proceeds with future issues and specified that typically all legal fees relating to such matters are the city’s responsibility. The minutes of the May City Council meeting were reviewed; Berseth moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Wulfekuhle. Carried Financial report for May was reviewed. Olson made motion, seconded by Krump to approve financial reports, motion carried. The bills for the month of June were reviewed; Olson moved to approve the bills as presented less the Interstate Engineering bill, seconded by Wulfekuhle. Carried. Old Business Due to COVID-19, Sue is waiting for the bank to open the lobby before she is able to close the Safety Deposit Box. Discussion was held regarding the Grant Street Improvement. Council agreed to have Interstate Improvement to attend a future council meeting to discuss the plans, answer questions, and narrow down what the project will look like. New Business Road restrictions have been lifted therefore gravel repairs will begin. Council discussed dust control and agreed to continue with dust control as done last year. Discussion was held regarding the city road to the North of the High School. Gauslow advised the board to continue the conversation with the school board about having the road continue through. Wulfkuehl talked to Bobcat about a possible discount on a tractor for snow removal and reported to the council his findings. Water usage was high due to the pool being filled, a hydrant at Aurora’s property was hit, and the float on top of the well house was stuck. Future monitoring will take place. Harry Clark mowed the lagoon, however he does not want to continue. Kyle has been maintaining since. Berseth motioned to have Krump mow the lagoon once a month and bill the city, seconded by Wulfkuehl. Carried. Discussion was held regarding the standing water in the ditch south of the football field. School will proceed with collecting bids on cleaning out the ditch and will present Council with bids once received. No action at this time. City Council Reorganization will happen at the July 20th meeting. Colfax Farmers Elevator has entered into a purchase agreement to purchase the Buchholz house. There being no further business, Berseth made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Olson. Carried. Adjourned at 8:31pm. |
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