City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 8/21/2023
The regular August meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Council Member Krump at 7:08pm. Present were Council Members Kyle Krump, Jesse Moch, Shaun Jacobson and Auditor Jen Skoog. Absent was Mayor Jeff Olson and Justin Reiland. Audience members in attendance were Bonnie Gylland, Inis Frankl, Tom Steinolfson, Lyle Boehm, Josh Boehm, Scott Johnson, Steve Haverland, Amy Clark, Jeremy Boehm, Jenna Boehm, Nathan Berseth, and Damon DeVillers & Zach Hatting with Interstate Engineering. Council Member Krump recognized the audience. Skoog presented the rezoning request submitted by the Richland #44 Foundation. The rezoning request made by the Richland #44 Foundation was to rezone property East of Colfax from agricultural to commercial. The property included in the request is parcel 38-0305-00274.300, with a legal description of PT S1/2 SE1/4 29 135 49: COMM SECR SEC 29 W700.17’/POB; N644.16’; W1182.15’; S644’; E1196.29’/POB. Discussion was held. Moch motioned to approve the request as requested, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Skoog also presented another request from the Richland #44 Foundation requesting a Special Assessment District for a (a) water line and (b) sewer/lift station, with the Richland #44 Foundation being the only property within the improvement district. Council decided to table the request until after Interstate Engineering presents their information. Zach with Interstate Engineering presented information regarding various options regarding water for the Richland #44 Foundation EPAC location, to replace the 2” water line in front of Frankl’s, and to install a lift station near the EPAC location. Discussion was held. Council tabled a decision on which option to move forward with, intended to discuss and decide at a later date. Moch made a motion to approve the request to create a Special Assessment District for a (a) water line and (b) sewer/lift station, with the Richland #44 Foundation being the only property within the improvement district, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Zach also presented information regarding various options for the Water Loop Project. All alternative options include replacing the 2” line in front of Frankl’s and requires negation with SEWU for city allowed usage. No decision needs to be made at this time, however Interstate Engineering is requesting a decision be made before the September meeting. Zach also provided an update on the Colfax Meadows 4th Addition. Progress is being made, with pipe being laid yet this week and all other processes to occur this Fall. Lyle & Josh Boehm presented information regarding possible proposed plat changes on recently purchased parcel 38-0500-00351.000. Discussion was held. Council expressed concerns regarding all the equipment parked in the residential section on the East side of the road, and required that all equipment and various abandoned personal property be cleaned up before reconsidering the platting proposal. Before the council can make a decision on the requested plat changes, an official plat request needs to be made and published. Tom Steinolfson presented a building permit proposal for a shed in his backyard. Jacobson motioned to approve the request, pending receipt of the building permit and approval from Todd Johnson, seconded by Moch. Carried. The minutes of the July regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Jacobson motioned to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Moch. Motion carried. The financial report for July was reviewed. Moch motioned to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Jacobson, motion carried. The August bills were reviewed. Jacobson motioned to approve the bills as presented, adding Daily News for $18.90, seconded by Moch. Carried. Old Business An update regarding the Water Loop was already provided. Grading has been completed on Grant Street, among other roads in town. An update regarding the Event Center was already provided. The council is currently waiting for the current community center organization to dissolve before being able to move forward. Repairs to women’s bathroom will be done soon. It was noted that much of the Phelps property has been cleaned up. New Business Bonnie Gylland requested that the city flush fire hydrants as they are experiencing rust issues. There being no further business, Jacobson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Moch. Carried. Adjourned at 8:45pm. |
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