City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 3/21/2022
The regular March Meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:00pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Tom Wulfekuhle, Shaun Jacobson, Kyle Krump, Justin Reiland, and auditor Jen Skoog. Audience members in attendance were Bonnie Gylland, Inis Frankl, Larry Score, and Jeremy Boehm. Mayor Olson recognized the audience. Larry Score presented another request from the Hendrickson fund for additional community center costs totaling $4,500. Wulfekuhle motioned to approve the request, seconded by Krump. Carried. The minutes of the February Regular City Council meeting were reviewed, and it was noted that Krump was present but left off the present list; Wulfekuhle moved to approve minutes as presented with the addition of Krump, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Financial report for February was unavailable due to moving to the new system. Nothing to report at this time. The March bills and February meter reading differences were reviewed; Reiland motioned to approve the bills as presented plus reimbursement to Jen Skoog for website, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Old Business No update regarding the Savion Project. Regarding the Water Loop Project, Olson met with the Engineer last week Tuesday. Engineers requested some information from the city; Skoog will provide the requested information to Zach to move forward with the application for state funds. No update regarding the City Snow Blower. It is still attached to Olson tractor for the remainder of season. No update regarding the Fire Hydrant repair. No update regarding the Grant Street Repairs/Improvements. Once the thaw happens, Grant street will be bladed. Olson will continue to work with the engineers on a quote. New Business Olson will reach out to other gravel companies for gravel bids. Auditor Skoog will post an announcement for mowing bids with a deadline of Thursday, April 14th. Mowing of the lagoon will also be added to the flyer along with all other city properties. Olson will contact T&G for a spring clean-up date. Once received, Auditor Skoog will send out the city Spring Letter along with the City Clean-up Letter. Jacobson brought forth issues with the water in Tyler Gylland’s yard due to spring melt. Jacobson noted that here is still a lot of water funneling between the houses, caused when dirt was moved when houses were built. Council discussed how proper ditching needs to be done between the houses, allowing the water to flow correctly. Wulfekuhle requested permission to contact Cass County Electric to have the last 5 lights installed. This installment was included in the budget. CCE stated that they will no longer place lights once a development is complete, and that they require that lights are part of the development design going forward. All members agreed that Wulfekuhle will contact CCE. Mayor Report Olson reported that the engineer is working with Nathan Berseth on drawing up plans for Addition 4 of Colfax Meadows. No action by City at this time since nothing has been presented. Olson will be sure to ask for street lights in the plan. Auditor Skoog reminded the council that all election paperwork is on the website, and the deadline is April 11th at 4pm. There being no further business, Krump made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Wulfekuhle. Carried. Adjourned at 8:13pm. |
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