City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 9/20/2021
The regular September Meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:03pm. Present were Council Members Tom Wulfekuhle, Justin Reiland, Kyle Krump, and auditor Jen Skoog. Audience members in attendance were Tom Frankl, Inis Frankl, and Bonnie Gylland. The minutes of the August Regular City Council meeting were reviewed; Krump moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Financial report for August was reviewed. Reiland made motion, seconded by Krump to approve financial reports, motion carried. The September bills and meter reading differences for the month of August were reviewed; Wulfekuhle motioned to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Krump. Carried. Old Business No update regarding the Savion Project. No update regarding Water Loop Project. Regarding a City Snow Blower, Olson brought forth more information he obtained regarding another possibility of a city snow blower. Discussion was held. Olson will make a couple more calls to gather more information. Krump brought up the possibility of renting a storage unit for city equipment. Discussion was held. Council will consider in the future. Fire Hydrant Repair – Reiland provided a proposal for repair of the fire hydrant damaged by Nathan Berseth. Wulfekuhle sent a copy to Berseth, since he will be covering the cost. The council is waiting on word from Berseth before moving forward. Over the past few months, multiple mortgage releases have been presented to the city, however they are needing approval and signature prior to the next council meeting. Discussion was held. Wulfekuhle motioned to allow the city Mayor to approve mortgage releases prior to the next meeting, when needed, with a mayor follow-up report to be presented at the next meeting, seconded by Krump. Carried. Wulfekuhle motioned to approve mortgage release of Lot 9 Block 2 request, to be retroactive to the date of signature since the request was needed prior to the next council meeting, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Regarding the open position on the city council, Olson put forth Shawn Jacobson as a recommendation to fill the vacant position until elections are held in June 2022. Jacobson accepted the nomination. Wulfekuhle motioned to nominated Shawn Jacobson, seconded by Krump. Carried. New Business Krump motioned to approve the 2022 Final Budget as presented, seconded by Wulfekuhle. Carried. Krump motioned to approve the Erdahl building permit for a shed, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Wulfekuhle spoke with Mary Boehm regarding the branch disposal site and provided her with further information regarding disposal. Mayor Report Olson brought forth a Colfax Community Center request for Darryl Hendrickson funds in the amount of $10,450. The money will be used towards flooring, lights, ceiling tiles, sheetrock, paint/plaster, baby changing stations, plumbing fixtures and pipe. Wulfekuhle motioned to approve the request, seconded by Reiland. Carried. There being no further business, Wulfekuhle made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Adjourned at 8:06pm. |
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