City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 2/15/2020
The regular February Meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:00pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Tom Wulfekuhle, Justin Reiland, Kyle Krump, Paul Lucas and auditor Jen Skoog. Audience members in attendance were Sid Berg and Jon Erdahl. Mayor Olson recognized the audience. Sid Berg purchased a lot in town from Dick Horner. Agreement was that Dick will pay the remaining specials on the lot directly to the city. Sid asked about the $10 lagoon fee on the lot and requested that the $10 fee be waived on the lot he recently purchased until he builds a house and begins service. No decision made by the council and tabled until the next meeting. Jon Erdahl inquired about and update on the Grant Street Project. Olson provided a recap of the proposed options. Erdahl also asked about garage/shed/outbuilding size and speed limit/stop signs. Council recapped outbuilding size requirements and that signs will be put up this spring when the ground thaws. Erdahl asked about lights in the new addition and Spring Cleanup. Olson confirmed that lights will be added to the new addition over the next few years and council has not yet made a final decision on when the next Spring Cleanup will be. Erdahl asked about the city leash law, the Savion Energy project, the possibility of a park in the new addition, and if the city plans to purchase the elevator tractor. Council confirmed that residents can call the county to remove unleashed pets, provided an update on the Savion project, confirmed that a park in the new addition would need to go through Nathan Berseth, and the city has no plans to purchase the tractor from the elevator. The minutes of the January City Council meeting were reviewed; Krump moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Lucas. Carried. Financial report for 2020 was reviewed. Wulfekuhle moved to approve financial reports as presented, seconded by Reiland. Carried. The bills and meter reading differences for the month of January were reviewed; Wulfekuhle motioned to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Lucas. Carried. Old Business Contacts with the Savion Solar Project requested council contact info. Olson provided the requested information. Olson received a letter with all proposed amounts to land owners. Discussion was held regarding the project. Discussion was held regarding the Hage/Haverland Properties. Olson confirmed with the city authority that Hage/Haverland can submit a written requests for special exceptions to the current city zoning ordinance. Both have submitted the required special exceptions. Council discussed that both applicants will still need to apply for a residential permit and pass inspection by the city building inspector. A Special Exception Hearing will be at next meeting in March. Olson talked to Nathan Berseth regarding the possible water loop into his new development. Reiland reported that AE2S could possibly help with current funding for the water project, however it needs to be actioned on immediately as funds will not last long. Discussion was held regarding the Grant Street Improvement project, however further discussions and decisions will be made at a later date. Paul will provide the New Resident Sheet for review in March. New Business Nathan Berseth requested the board to release Block 1 Lot 11, Block 2 Lots 5 & 16, Block 3 Lots 20 & 23 of Colfax Meadows 3. Motion made by Wulfekuhle, seconded by Reiland to approve the release request. Carried The Community Center Council requested $14,000 from the Darrel Hendrickson Fund. Motion made by Krump, seconded by Lucas to approve the request. Carried. The Haverland Permit Application approved was reviewed, adding a $50 fee with inspection required when the project is complete. Motioned by Wulfekuhle, seconded by Lucas to approve the permit. Carried Lucas brought forth that he has noticed many school buses are speeding through town. Discussion was held. Wulfekuhle brought for a letter requesting that the county board move the 40mph speed limit signs further East of town. Wulfekuhle motioned to have Olson sign the letter, seconded by Krump. Carried. The City of Colfax Equalization Meeting will be held April 19th @ 7pm. There being no further business, Reiland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Lucas. Carried. Adjourned at 8:32pm. |
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