City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 1/20/2020
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Gauslow at 7pm. Present were Council Members Jeff Olson, Tom Wulfekuhle, Neil Berseth, Kyle Krump, Auditor Jen Skoog, and Auditor Susan Bowman. Mayor Gauslow recognized audience. The minutes of the regular December City Council meeting were reviewed; Tom Wulfekuhle made motion, seconded by Jeff Olson to approve as presented, motion carried. Financial report for December and final 2019 financial report were reviewed; Tom Wulfekule made motion, seconded by Kyle Krump to approve financial reports, motion carried. The Bills for the month of January were reviewed; Neil Berseth made motion, seconded by Jeff Olson to approve as presented, motion carried. Old Business Pumphouse meter is now reading. All new houses now have working meters and meters are being read. Verification is being made to ensure all new residents are in the system. Further discussion was held regarding the Ashe shop proposal. Tabled for further discussion. Duels were removed from the tractor, allowing for better snow removal. Although removal is happening, snow is beginning to pile up due to volume received this winter. Sue Bowman resigned as City of Colfax Auditor effective immediately. Tom Wulfekuhle motioned to accept Sue’s resignation, seconded by Jeff Olson to approve as presented, motion carried. Neil motioned to have Sue Bowman and Tom Wulfekuhle removed from all Bank of the West accounts, and have Jennifer Skoog as auditor & Jeff Olson as council president added to all Bank of the West accounts with full access, seconded by Kyle Krump to approve as presented, motion carried. New Business Discussion was held regarding the city safety deposit box. Neil Berseth motioned to have the safety deposit box closed, seconded by Kyle Krump to approve as presented, motion carried. Discussion was held regarding possible future modifications to the park area. Tabled for further discussion. Interstate Engineering obtained physical city maps for conversion to electronic copies. Mayor Gauslow will follow-up on the progress. There being no further business, Tom Wulfekuhle made motion, seconded by Kyle Krump to adjourn, meeting was adjourned at 8pm. |
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December 2024
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