City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 3/18/2024
The regular March meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:02pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Jesse Moch, Kyle Krump and Shaun Jacobson. Absent was Justin Reiland. Audience members in attendance were Jeremy Boehm, Todd Johnson, Kim Berseth, Bonnie Gylland, Inis Frankl, Scott Gauslow, Zach Hatting with Interstate Engineering, and Thomas Dahl with McGough. Olson recognized the audience. Hatting provided an update regarding the city planning comprehensive plan. The 2nd advisory meeting was complete, and another one is scheduled soon. Hatting also reported that the state changed their fuding policies effective October 2023 and will no longer fund water projects involving growth, thus the previously proposed reservoir expansion project will no longer qualify for the 60% cost share; however, they did pre-approve the 60% cost share for the water loop project, with the final decision to be made at their April meeting. Design work will be on hold until official approval is received. Discussion was held regarding the option of removing the reservoir expansion from the overall project, along with discussions on lagoon capacity. Further discussion will be held at the April meeting. Hatting reported that the EPAC lift station/water line project is moving forward. Skoog confirmed that funding paperwork is currently in progress. Hatting updated that once the ground dries up more, the Meadows 4th addition will be finished soon. Thomas Dahl presented a building permit request for the EPAC center project. Discussion was held regarding timing of the project. Todd Johnson indicated that he is working with McGough and has approved the building plans. Moch motioned to approve the permit as presented, seconded by Krump. Approved. Nathan Berseth was contacted via phone to assist in answering questions regarding his annexation request of the property North of Colfax Meadows 3rd. The council is waiting on a formal petition to annex before moving forward. Discussion was held regarding the proposed Chapter Six Zoning – Land Use Planning changes, with proposed changes being reviewed. The intention is to have a hearing at the April meeting, pending discussion with the city attorney. The minutes of the February regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Jacobson moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Krump. Motion carried. The financial reports for January & February were reviewed. Moch made a motion to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. The March bills were reviewed; Krump motioned to approve the bills as presented, placing a hold on Interstate Engineering bills until further review, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Old Business Gravel bids will be reviewed at the April meeting. Updates to the building permit application are currently being worked on. Krump motioned to increase the auditor salary to $1,200/month effective January 1st, 2024, seconded by Moch. Carried. New Business Skoog will contact T&G for a spring cleanup date. The spring letter will be sent out once this is scheduled. Request for mowing bids will be posted this week, and all bids will be due by April 11th. Paperwork regarding the AFFF MDL Settlement was received and reviewed. The council agreed to move forward with signing the required paperwork, allowing the city to benefit from the settlement. This settlement was brought to the city’s attention by the city attorney, and may result in damage awards. The MT Septic agreement was presented to the council. Jeff signed the agreement, allowing MT Septic to dispose waste into the city system in exchange for compensation. Bonnie Gylland brought forth concerns regarding rust found in her filters from the line coming into her home. Discussion was held. Mayor Report Discussion was held regarding the community center operation. Skoog is working on new rates and operation proposal. This will continue to be reviewed at future meetings. There being no further business, Krump made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Adjourned at 8:38 pm. |
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