City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 9/18/2023
The regular September meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:00pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Jesse Moch, Kyle Krump, Justin Reiland, and Shaun Jacobson. Audience members in attendance were Lyle Boehm, Josh Boehm, Jeremy Boehm, Jenna Boehm, Michelle Eichenberger, Brittany Gandhi, Inis Frankl, Bonnie Gylland, Todd Johnson, Nathan Berseth, Tom Steinolfson, and Zach Hatting with Interstate Engineering. Mayor Olson recognized the audience. Brittany Gandhi, representing the Richland #44 Foundation on the EPAC center, reported that last week the foundation board met with the architect to get a more solid drawing and numbers, hoping to start bidding in middle to end of October 2023, with the intention of breaking ground in May 2024, and then hoping to complete the project by July 2025. Zach reported that we could get the water/sewer plans for EPAC put together and bid out for starting Spring 2024. He also presented the council with the Preliminary Engineering Report, asking that decisions be made by the October meeting, allowing them to move forward in a timely fashion. Lyle and Josh Boehm answered questions regarding the most recent replat request forwarded to the council prior to the meeting. Discussion was held. Publication of the request will be made and a formal hearing will be held at the October 16th meeting. Clarification was made that Jeremy Boehm needs to provide a site plan for the shed moved onto his property. Once received, the council will review and approve/deny the request. Zach with Interstate Engineering provided an update on the Colfax Meadows 4th Addition. All the underground work is complete and they are slatted to finish the project by the end of October. Zach also requested that the council make a decision on the water loop project plans brought forth at the August meeting. Discussion was held. Krump motioned to go with Option #5, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Zach noted that he does have a proposal from the city planners, however did not have it at the meeting with him. The minutes of the August regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Krump moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Moch. Motion carried. The financial reports for August were not available for review due to a format revamping. This should be completed by the October meeting. The September bills were reviewed; Jacobson motioned to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Krump. Carried. Old Business No update regarding the Grant Street Improvement Project. Chad Lingen opened and flushed out water hydrants around town. No updated regarding the Community Center organization. Olson will talk to Amy Clark. Regarding the Phelps property, the council has seen a lot of improvement, however items still need to be cleaned up. Olson will speak to Phelps. New Business A building permit for a shed at 103 Andy Ave was presented to the council. Moch motioned to approve the permit as presented, pending approval from Todd Johnson, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. A building permit for a home at 100 Neuman Blvd was presented to the council. Krump motioned to approve the permit as presented, pending approval from Todd Johnson, Jacobson seconded. Carried. A building permit for a shed at 207 Laverne Lane was presented to the council. Moch motioned to approve the permit as presented, pending approval from Todd Johnson, Reiland seconded. Carried. A building permit for a concession stand building at the ball diamonds was presented to the council. Moch motioned to approve the permit as presented, pending approval from Todd Johnson, and waiving the permit fee, Reiland seconded. Carried. Discussion on building permit fees was held. Council agreed to table the discussion for the October meeting. Moch motioned to approve the presented 2024 Final City Budget, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. City received a letter from Southeast Water Users stating that rates will be increasing in January 2024. The council will proceed with raising the city water rates to reflect this increase. Krump motioned to proceed with moving the Certificates of Deposit as they mature from the current bank to Bell Bank, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Nathan Berseth will notify the council by next week if we are able to rent his tractor again for snow removal during the 2023-2024 winter season. There being no further business, Reiland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Krump. Carried. Adjourned at 8:33 pm. |
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