City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 3/16/2020
The regular March Meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Gauslow at 7:10pm. Present were Mayor Scott Gauslow, Council Members Jeff Olson, Neil Berseth and Tom Wulfekuhle (Kyle Krump and auditor Jen Skoog absent). Also present was City Attorney Amy Clark of Smith and Strege Ltd. and Jason Frankl from the Colfax Park Board. Gauslow recognized Jason Frankl from the Colfax Park Board. He appeared before the council to ask for $8,200 from the Darryl Hendrickson fund to be used for pool upgrades. These upgrades include new VFD pumps and Heat Pump heaters. The money requested is a net of the total dollars for the project less dollars raised from current fund raisers. Motion by Olson, seconded by Berseth to approve the $8,200 request by the Colfax Park Board. Carried. Gauslow recognized city attorney Amy Clark from Smith and Strege. She informed the council that the only step left in the city court procedure is to have District Judge Narum sign the contract. Discussion on the Phelps property and what steps have been taken and what to do next. Clark noted that a letter has been sent with an April 30 date to have yard cleaned up. Along those lines a spring cleanup was discussed and if one is held early May was agreed upon to be a good time. The city would extend the Phelps date to after this cleanup time if need be. Clark brought a copy of the County Leash Law policy so we could review it. The minutes of the January City Council meeting were reviewed; Berseth moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Wulfekuhle. Carried No financial report this month. The bills for the month of March were reviewed; Olson moved to approve the bills as presented less the Interstate Engineering bill, seconded by Wulfekuhle. Carried. Old Business No report on Safety Deposit Box or Bank Signatures or Park Area. Mayor Gauslow noted that the proper notices for elections have been posted. New Business Gauslow will work with auditor on Spring Letter and send out a draft to review before sending out. Gauslow presented a building permit from the Roepke residence who wish to build a deck. Motion by Olson seconded by Wulfekuhle to approve the permit as presented. Carried. Mayor Report Gauslow discussed blading roads and would ask Colfax Township if they would do them this spring. He is also looking into gravel bids for the year. He has received one from Tim Hudson. Gauslow reported that Dakota Sewage has been working on the lift station recently. He noted that they forgot to turn the pumps on after they worked on them. A resident noticed their sump pump filling with water the next day and called the city who checked the pumps and found them off. The Dakota Sewage worker apologized for the mistake. The issue was caught in time and no residences had backup issues. There being no further business Berseth made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Wulfekuhle. Carried. Adjourned at 8:05pm. |
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