City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 12/19/2022
The regular November Meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:03pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members, Justin Reiland, Shaun Jacobson, Jesse Moch, and Kyle Krump. Audience members in attendance were Amy Clark, Nicole Holdman, Bonnie Gylland, and Damon DeVillers and Zach Hatting with Interstate Engineering. Olson recognized the audience. Damon and Zach with Interstate Engineering presented data compiled for the existing Colfax lift station and sewer system. The current lift station is already 50 years old. A few options were presented for either an additional lift station East of town near the proposed EPAC building, or having the EPAC center tie into the existing system. Discussion was held. Interstate Engineering noted that they can help the city compile accurate maps of all manholes & curb stops in town. Auditor Skoog will work with Zach on when he can come in and review all current records. Interstate Engineering also presented information regarding the upcoming Prairie Dog Fund disbursement; how much we will be getting, when it will be disbursed, and what it can be used for. The council reviewed the Water Loop Expansion Feasibility Study from Interstate Engineering. We are approved for 60% funding from the state, and discussion was held on the proposal. Krump motioned to accept Interstate Engineering’s Feasibility Study proposal, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. The minutes of the November Regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Reiland moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Moch. Carried. Financial report for November was reviewed. Jacobson made motion, seconded by Moch to approve financial reports, motion carried. The November bills were reviewed; Moch motioned to approve the bills as presented, plus $420 for Brady Kummer and $1400 for Aber Township, seconded by Krump. Carried. Old Business An update regarding the Water Loop was already provided. Olson reported that the Snow blower/tractor has been working well so far, however he is not sure if there is a block heater on the tractor. Fire Hydrant repairs have not yet been completed. These might be done yet this winter, otherwise it will have to wait until Spring. No update regarding the Grant Street Improvement Project. Review of the Replatting of the Boehm property will be done at the January meeting. Olson reported that some items were removed from the Phelps property before the snow hit. Reassessment will be done once the snow melts. New Business Krump motioned to approve the Colfax Bar Beer/Liquor license for 2023, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. There being no further business, Moch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Adjourned at 8:29pm. |
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