City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 5/17/2021
The regular May Meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:04pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Tom Wulfekuhle, Justin Reiland, Kyle Krump, and auditor Jen Skoog. Absent was Paul Lucas. Audience members in attendance were Keefe Phelps, Tom Frankl, Inis Frankl, Bonnie Gylland, and Amy Clark. Mayor Olson recognized the audience. Phelps requested a permit for new roofing and a deck being put on his house. Council requested that he provide a drawing of the desk and complete the permit application on the website. Once received, the permit will be reviewed by the council. Clark brought forth information regarding the city ETZ zoning. She has old file from 2007 with all the publications, however is unable to locate an actual Resolution. Working off past documents and new mapping based off annexation, Amy’s office will work on completing all the proper paperwork and publications. The public ETZ hearing will be held June 21st at the regular council meeting. The minutes of the April Equalization Meeting and the Regular City Council meeting were reviewed; Reiland moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Wulfekuhle. Carried. Financial report for April was reviewed. Krump made motion, seconded by Wulfekuhle to approve financial reports, motion carried. The May bills and meter reading differences for the month of April were reviewed; Wulfekuhle motioned to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Krump. Carried. Old Business No update regarding the Savion Energy project. No update regarding the new Water Loop project. Council discussed that if Nathan Berseth has someone bore under the road, Olson will ask Berseth if we can also have them bore under the railroad tracks. No update regarding the Residents Info Sheet. No bids were received for the Lagoon mowing. Council will keep bids open again until June 17th. Olson will look into various dealerships to investigate what is available for a city snow blower. Council members are encouraged to keep an eye out for a blower for sale. Council will provide a map to TJM Trucking gravel application. Once all gravel is down and bladed, dust control will be applied. New stop signs are in and Wulfekuhle will place markers where the stop signs will be going. Nathan Berseth has agreed to have the city arrange for the fire hydrant to be repaired and Berseth will cover the costs. Reiland will arrange for the repairs. New Business After reviewing the WSG rate sheet, it was noted that the amount being charged to customers is different than the current rate sheet. Council discussed the difference and possible reasons for this discrepancy, agreeing that the Sewer rate should remain at $12.50. Skoog will formulate a resolution to be reviewed and approved at June’s meeting. Wulfekuhle made a motion to designate the Wahpeton Daily News as the official City newspaper, seconded by Krump. Carried. Building Permit for Berg/Mitskog (300 Grant Street) was presented to the Council. Krump motioned to approve the proposed building permit, pending a review by the city inspector, seconded by Reiland. Carried. A lot release was received for the newly created parcel directly south of Lot 17, Block 2. Since this request was urgent and needed approval prior to the May meeting, it was signed by Mayor Olson. Wulfekuhle made a motion to retroactively approve the requested lot release to April 29th, 2021, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Skoog presented the Preliminary 2022 City Budget. Wulfekuhle motioned to accept the Preliminary 2022 City Budget, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Wulfekuhle presented a Local Permit for Richland Coltbackers. Krump motioned to approve the Local Permit application, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Wulfekuhle reported he has some mosquito spray left over from last year, however he is able to order more. Council agreed to continue using the same chemicals as before, and have Wulfekuhle order more. There being n further business, Krump made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Adjourned at 8:37pm. |
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