City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 1/18/2020
The regular January Meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 6:59pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Tom Wulfekuhle, Justin Reiland, and auditor Jen Skoog. Council Members absent were Kyle Krump and Paul Lucas. Audience members in attendance were Damon DeVillers and Zach Hatting with Interstate Engineering. Mayor Olson recognized the audience. Damon and Zach with Interstate Engineering reviewed the updates made to the Grant Street Improvement Project proposal, including special assessment examples and maintenance costs. Damon noted that there is no major funding options outside of special assessments available at the Federal/State level at this time, however there may be some options in the future. Olson asked Damon and Zach about adding a water loop into Nathan’s new development. Discussion was held regarding eligibility for water structure funding. Olson will contact Nathan and Interstate Engineering will obtain more information for a future discussion. The minutes of the December City Council meeting were reviewed; Wulfekuhle moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Financial report for December was reviewed. Wulfekuhle moved to approve financial reports as presented, seconded by Reiland. Carried. The bills and meter reading differences for the month of December were reviewed; Reiland motioned to approve the bills as presented, with the addition of ND Water Users for $75, and modifications to the US Treasury bills for $222.61 and $375.62, seconded by Wulfekuhle. Carried. Old Business Interstate Engineering discussed the revised proposal of the Grant Street Improvement. No further discussion. No update provided on the New Residents Info Sheet. Due to sale the of the Colfax Elevator, the new owners do not want to keep the tractor currently being used for city snow removal, with it currently being on auction through February. With the city without a tractor by the end of February, Olson is working on a backup plan for equipment and John/Brady will continue to help with snow removal. Discussion was held regarding the possible Solar Project proposal. There is no action at this time. Auditor Skoog is working on verifying the ETZ restrictions of 1 mile. Discussion was held regarding the possibility of starting to put up CCE lights along Grant Street and throughout the new addition. Olson will inquire with CCE about scheduling out a few light installations at a time. New Business Discussion was held regarding the Hage/Haverland property. Olson will obtain more information from the property owner for a future discussion. Council discussed the possibility of of updating the outbuilding/shed size ordinance, along with a handful of other city ordinances. No action at this time. Mayor Report Olson reported possible scrap metal assistance funds that help with removing scrap metal. He will obtain more information. There being no further business, Reiland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Wulfekuhle. Carried. Adjourned at 8:04pm. Comments are closed.
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