City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 8/15/2022
The regular August Meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:10pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members, Jesse Moch, Shaun Jacobson and Kyle Krump, and Justin Reiland. Audience members in attendance were Susan Bowman, Bonnie Gylland, Vance Gylland Inis Frankl, Lyle Boehm, and Josh Boehm. Jeff recognized the audience. Lyle & Josh Boehm inquired about discussions held at the last meeting about abandoning Broadway in the Wold development. Olson brought forth information he received from the engineer, recommending that Broadway not be abandoned to ensure a proper right-of-way for any future utility needs. As for water hookup, Olson will discuss with SEWU if they are able to temporarily hook up the house currently in the development until the city is able to complete the new water loop. Suzan Bowman inquired about an update regarding issues she brought forth to the council in June. Olson hasn’t been able to move forward on the items due to time constraints. Communication needs to be made with the residents to enforce the city ordinances pertaining to week maintenance and trash disposal. Olson will contact Amy regarding contact with these residents and moving forward with formally contacting them. The empty lots in Colfax Meadows 3rd Addition should also be maintained. Skoog informed the council that any costs associated with the maintenance of property not properly maintained can be charged back on yearly taxes. This paperwork is completed late September, early October. Vance Gylland brought forth concerns regarding the possibility of the city abandoning the street going along the West side of the High School. Discussion was held. At this time, the school has not approached the city regarding the abandonment. The minutes of the July Regular City Council meeting were not available for review. They will be available for the September meeting. Financial report for July was reviewed. Krump made motion, seconded by Moch to approve financial reports, motion carried. The August bills were reviewed; Reiland motioned to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Old Business No update regarding the Savion Energy project. Olson provided information regarding the new water loop project. Krump motioned to move forward with publication for engineer bids for the study of the project, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. No updated regarding the city snowblower and tractor. Nathan Berseth has someone lined up to complete the fire hydrant project. The city still requests that the work be completed by September 30, 2022. No updated regarding the Grant Street Improvement project. Grant Street dust control is down and appears to be holding. A few small holes, but overall the road is in good condition. City Culvert clean-outs – Olson has not contacted the Fire Department regarding city culvert clean-outs. Krump will contact the Fire Department to move forward. New Business Skoog presented mortgage releases for approval. Jacobson motioned to approve mortgage releases in Colfax Meadows 3rd Addition for Lot 24 Block 3, Lot 14 Block 3, Lot 33 Block 3, Lot 5 Block 1, Lot 10 Block 1, Lot 16 Block 3, Lot 13 Block 2, Lot 11 Block 2, Lot 25 Block 3. Seconded by Moch. Carried. There being no further business, Krump made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Adjourned at 8:27pm. Comments are closed.
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