City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 5/18/2020
The regular April Meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Council member Olson at 7:01pm. Present were Council Members Jeff Olson, Neil Berseth, Kyle Krump, Tom Wulfekuhle, and auditor Jen Skoog. Mayor Scott Gauslow joined shortly after the meeting was called to order. Also in attendance was Nathan Berseth, Aaron Kleingardner, Donny Hendrickson, Kim Berseth, Jeff Roepke, and Inis Frankl. The minutes of the April City Council meeting were reviewed; Wulfekuhle moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Krump. Carried Financial report for April was reviewed; it was noted to continue to watch the higher water usage difference. Wulfekuhle made motion, seconded by Berseth to approve financial reports, motion carried. The bills for the month of May were reviewed; Wulfekuhle moved to approve the bills as presented less the Interstate Engineering bill, seconded by Berseth. Carried. Gauslow recognized the audience. Inis Frankl presented that the lagoon was not being mowed and the fire hydrants have not been flushed. Gauslow stated he will get someone to mow the lagoon and will talk to Chad about the hydrants. Aaron Kleingardner approached the board about a 12’x18’ temporary shed and a 36’x24’ cement slab for a small basketball court in his yard. It was deemed no permit was needed and the council indicated he could proceed. Jeff Roepke approached the board requesting a variance for a new building in his yard. The board held discussion regarding the request and received feedback from the residents attending. No motion made by the board. Nathan Berseth requested the board to release 4 lots (lot 4 block 1, lot 3 block 2, lot 17 block 2, lot 7 block 2). Motion made by Wulfekuhle, seconded by Berseth to approve the release request. Carried. Nathan Berseth also approached the board regarding a proposed residential/commercial development North of the baseball diamonds. Discussion was held with no motion. Old Business No update on Safety Deposit box. Update was provided on the Phelps Property. Phelps was served and has up to 21 days to respond. Once the 21 days has passed, the Board will receive direction from the city lawyer regarding further steps. Two mowing bids were received and discussed. Olson motioned to accept the bid from Zach Wulfekuhle, 2nd by Krump. Tom Wulfekuhle abstained from discussion and voting. New Business At the time of the meeting, road restrictions were still in place, therefore the council is unsure when roads will be graveled. The board also discussed the areas in town needing gravel and grading. Abercrombie township will handle the grading of Colfax at the same time Abercrombie is being graded. Dennis Bucholtz is required to pay the outstanding balance owed on his property before the water will be turned back on. Bucholtz has requested the water be turned on briefly to check for leaks before being turned back off immediately. No further communication from Bucholtz at this time, therefore no action required from the council. Interstate Improvement provided an estimate on proposed repairs made to Grant Street. Board agreed to table the topic for later discussion. Discussion was held regarding an email from Todd Johnson about coordinating standard building permit fees among other area towns. Gauslow recommended that the board find a representative to meet with all the other cities to discuss possibilities to get on the same page. Skoog will request scenarios from Todd for the board to review. The County Auditor advised that cities evaluate the possibility of cutting State Aid Funding for 2021 within their budgets to align with a comment made by Governor Bergum, however nothing has been decided at the state level at this time. Skoog presented the proposted 2021 city budget, Krump motioned to accept the budget, seconded by Berseth. Carried. Olson motioned to designate the city’s official newspaper as the Wahpeton Daily News, seconded by Wulfekuhle. Carried. Krump addressed an issue with the culvert just North of his house as it appears the culvert has been run over multiple times by trucks. No action from the council at this time. There being no further business, Berseth made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Krump. Carried. Adjourned at 9:08pm. Comments are closed.
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