City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 12/18/2023
The regular December meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:02pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Kyle Krump, Justin Reiland, Jesse Moch and Shaun Jacobson. Absent was Auditor Jen Skoog. Audience members in attendance were Nancy Kelly, Jeremy Boehm, Rachel as planner for Interstate Engineering via Zoom, Amy Clark, Inis Frankl, Chad Ulven, Nathan Berseth, Bonnie Gylland, and Zach Hatting with Interstate Engineering Mayor Olson recognized the audience. Zach and Rachel reviewed the Comprehensive Plan, including kickoff, focus group meetings (citizens, school, developers, etc.), the plan draft, economic development, review of existing infrastructure, zoning, implementation strategy, and the final plan. We also need to consider a website for our plan, making it more accessible for developers (example: We will have 6 months to complete the project, starting in January/February 2024. Jesse motioned to accept the proposal, seconded by Krump. Carried. Zach also provided an update regarding the Colfax Meadows 4th. They will be coming back to dig the pond in the next few weeks. Zach also reported that the report for the reservoir expansion will be ready for the next meeting. He also hasn’t started design work on the waterline expansion as this is pending EPAC final decision, which should be taking place January 3rd. Nancy Kelly presented information for a new development called Colfax Reserve. This would consist of 1-2 acre lots. They are currently looking at annexation in February, plat approval after, and building in phases starting in fall 2024. Discussion was held regarding water, reservoir expansion, and specials assessed. No decision at this time. A discussion was held with Clark regarding the annexation process and the path moving forward. Further discussion will be held at the January meeting. Discussion was also held regarding the proposed commercial building fees. The council reviewed the proposed changes and discussed needing a list of what inspection services would be provided for commercial buildings, specifically the EPAC center. Further discussion needs to be had with Todd Johnson. Clark reviewed the Amendment of Chapter Six Zoning – Land Use Planning, specifically covering the conditional use permitting for Ag land use. The council will need to review and send edits to Clark for change/approval in January. Jesse and Shaun will take the amendments to the committee. The minutes of the November regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Krump moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Motion carried. The financial reports for November were not available due to Skoog’s absence. The November bills were reviewed; Krump motioned to approve the bills as presented, adding Brady Kummer and Colfax Township, and removing Interstate Engineering, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Olson proposed that the city pay Jen Skoog an additional $1,000 in 2023 for cover extra city and audit work performed. Reiland motioned to accept the proposal, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Payment will be made at the end of the year and will come out of the general fund. Water bills were reviewed with no major issues to note. Old Business Discussion was held regarding the issue of raising curb stops and having this as part of the final inspection. Further information will be needed from Todd Johnson. Clark is working to have the Community Center transferred to the City Council. New Business Resolution 2023-09, Resolution for an increased water rate of $.25 per 1,000 gallons. This rate would be effective 1/1/2024 and will be increased across all water users in Colfax. Jacobson motioned to approve the resolution, seconded by Reiland. Roll call – Jacobson-yes, Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Reiland-yes. Krump motioned to compensate $100 to Steve Haverland for use of his heated shop, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Krump motioned to approve the Colfax Bar Beer/Liquor license for 2024, seconded by Reiland. Carried. There being no further business, Krump made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Adjourned at 9:03pm. Comments are closed.
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December 2024
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