City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 7/31/2024
The regular July meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Krump at 7:00pm. Present were Mayor Kyle Krump, Council Members Tom Steinolfson, Shaun Jacobson, Scott Gauslow, and Jesse Moch. Audience members in attendance were Jesse Sedler with Richland County, Brittany Hatting, Zach Hatting, Blaine Kummer, Inis Frankl, Bonnie Gylland, Amy Clark, Jeff Olson, Lyle Boehm, Nancy Kelly, Jeremy Boehm, Jenna Boehm, Roger Bachman, Deb Mitskog, Sid Berg, Gordy Olson, Nathan Berseth, Krump recognized the audience and passed the meeting to Zach Hatting with Interstate Engineering for the public input meeting for the water looping project. Zach briefly explained the overall project and asked for any questions. This project is a cost share project with 60% being covered by state funding, and provides an increase in the city fire rating. Discussion was held. No further questions from the audience. Public input meeting closed. Krump brought forth for general discussion the drainage issues along Co Rd 1 on the West side of town. Zach and Jesse with Richland County presented general elevations after completion of the survey. Discussion was held. Zach will compile some images to demonstrate different drainage options for both East and West sides to be reviewed at the August meeting. A Petition for Annexation of Colfax Reserve was received and presented to the Council, and a hearing was open for public comment. It was noted that Amy Clark will be replacing the legal description in the Colfax Reserve Annexation request with the correct legal description so it matches the plat. Discussion was held. Moch motioned to approve the Petition for Annexation of Colfax Reserve as presented, with the corrected legal description, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Gauslow-yes, Jacobson-yes, Steinolfson – yes, Krump – yes. Motion carried. Amy Clark reported that the Trackside Annexation approved at the June meeting needed an updated legal description. Krump & Skoog signed off on new paperwork with the new legal description. Resolution 2024-10, Resolution to Rezone Colfax Reserve to Residential was presented. Moch motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Gauslow-yes, Jacobson-yes, Steinolfson – yes, Krump – yes. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-11, Resolution to Establish Improvement District for Colfax Reserves was presented. Moch motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Steinolfson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Gauslow-yes, Jacobson-yes, Steinolfson – yes, Krump – yes. Motion carried. Zach reported that four bids total were received for Trackside Addition. Sellin was the lowest bidder at $418,089. Resolution 2024-12, Resolution Awarding Contract Water and Street Improvement District No. ST24-001 (Trackside Addition) was presented. Gauslow motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Gauslow-yes, Jacobson-yes, Steinolfson – yes, Krump – yes. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-13, Resolution Approving Contractor’s Bond for Water and Street Improvement District No. ST24-0001 (Trackside Addition) was presented. Moch motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Steinolfson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Gauslow-yes, Jacobson-yes, Steinolfson – yes, Krump – yes. Motion carried. Zach presented a preliminary plat for the Colfax Reserve for the council to view. No action needed at this time. Further review will happen once the final plat request is submitted. The minutes of the regular June City Council meeting were reviewed. Jacobson moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Moch. Motion carried. The minutes of the Special City Council meeting on July 3rd were reviewed. Steinolfson moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Moch. Motion carried. The minutes of the Special City Council meeting on July 17th were reviewed. Gauslow moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Motion carried. The financial reports for May were reviewed. Krump made motion to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Jacobson, motion carried. The July bills were reviewed; Gauslow motioned to approve the bills as presented, adding Marsch McLennon for $1,004 and removing some Interstate Engineering bills, seconded by Jacobson. Carried Old Business Zach gave a brief update on the water loop bid and the general process. Construction won’t start until after October 10, 2024 due to the cost share program restrictions. Resolution 2024-14, Resolution Awarding Contract for Supply Treated Water Transmission Line Project was presented. Steinolfson motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, awarding the project to KPH, Inc for $496,670, seconded by Gauslow. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Gauslow-yes, Jacobson-yes, Steinolfson – yes, Krump – yes. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-15, Resolution Approving Contractor’s Supply Treated Water Transmission Line Project was presented. Steinolfson motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Gauslow. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Gauslow-yes, Jacobson-yes, Steinolfson – yes, Krump – yes. Motion carried. Seeding in Colfax Meadows 4th will be done as soon as we hit the seeding window. Street lights are up, all electric and phone lines are in. Discussion was held regarding the man holes. Zach will have them bury the manholes to avoid having them being clipped by the roadgrader. Once the Colfax Reserve plat is presented and approved by the council, then the design process will begin, with an expected completion to be Sept/Oct for council review. Trackside completion date is Nov 1st 2024. Grant Street was cut down about a month ago and is holding up fairly well. Hoping to have Jim Viele to get in to finish cutting the potholes on other roads before gravel is brought in. Chad will continue to assist with samples, however, council needs to compile a job description for the City Water Employee position, and work on locating an employee to take over the position. A survey completed for Jeremy Boehm does not comply with the new city ordinance on size for a commercial property. He will need to revamp his proposed lot and present to council. Brittany Hatting is representing Blaine Kummer regarding the EPAC lift station project. Kummer is considering a development on the southside of Co Rd 4. Kummer is in favor of the larger district that was initially discussed. Discussion was held. Resolution 2024-16, Resolution Creating and Defining the Boundaries for Water and Sewer Improvement District No. ST24-0034 (EPAC Project) was presented. Moch motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Krump – no, Moch-yes, Jacobson – yes, Steinolfson – yes, Gauslow – yes. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-17, Resolution Directing Preparation of Engineer’s Report and Cost Estimate for Water and Sewer Improvement District No. ST24-0034 (EPAC Project) was presented. Gauslow motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Steinolfson. Role call vote: Krump – yes, Moch-yes, Jacobson – yes, Steinolfson – yes, Gauslow – yes. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-18, Resolution Approving Engineer’s Report and Directing Preparation of Detailed Plans and Specifications for Boundaries for Water and Sewer Improvement District No. ST24-0034 (EPAC Project) was presented. Gauslow motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Steinolfson. Role call vote: Krump – yes, Moch-yes, Jacobson – yes, Steinolfson – yes, Gauslow – yes. Motion carried. A building permit for 201 Neuman was presented. Jacobson motioned to approve the building permit as presented, seconded by Moch. Carried. A building permit for 103 Neuman was presented. Jacobson motioned to approve the building permit as presented, seconded by Moch. Carried. A building permit for 209 Laverne was presented. Discussion was held. Moch motioned to approve the building permit as presented, removing the fence and accessory building and pending Todd’s and Berseth’s approvals, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Discussion was held regarding Home Rule Charter. The first step is to identify the 5 members of the special Home Rule committee. Council members will work to establish the committee for the next meeting. Council asked Amy to look into what it would take to condemn the Stubson property. Amy also mentioned a program through JPA that helps with removing old buildings. She will work to provide more options. Resolution 2024-19, Resolution to Adpot the Colfax Comprehensive Plan was presented. Moch motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Krump – yes, Moch-yes, Jacobson – yes, Steinolfson – yes, Gauslow – yes. Motion carried. Mayor Report Krump purchased more speed limit and stop signs, however he is looking for others to help install them. Hammond’s looked at the sink hole near Heyen/Bantz recommended the city to dump gravel, which has already been attempted. Further options need to be explored. 801 Blain Street has cottonwoods growing in the bottom of the ditch, creating a flowage issue. Krump will speak to the residents. The culverts for Thomson Homes will be covered by the city, however, this process will be changed when the building permit application is revamped. Kyle suggested that the city spray for mosquitos using drones again. The city currently has enough funds, thus the council agreed to move forward with spraying. City Council Reorganization Krump motioned for Shaun Jacobson to fill the role as President, seconded by Moch. Carried. Gauslow motioned for Jesse Moch to fill the role as Vice President, seconded by Steinolfson. Carried. Moch motioned to appoint Jen Skoog as Auditor, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Gauslow motioned to appoint Smith & Strege as City Attorney, seconded by Steinolfson. Carried. Moch motioned to appoint Interstate Engineering as City Engineer, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Jacobson motioned to appoint Todd Johnson as City Building Inspector, seconded by Steinolfson. Carried. Jacobson motioned to appoint Gauslow and Steinolfson as Colfax Township Zoning Council representatives, seconded by Moch. Carried. Moch motioned to have Jeff Olson removed from all Bell Bank accounts, and have Shaun Jacobson as council president added to all Bell Bank account with full access, seconded by Gauslow. Carried. There being no further business, Gauslow made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Adjourned at 10:49pm. Comments are closed.
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