City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 6/17/2024
The regular June meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:13pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Kyle Krump, Shaun Jacobson, and Jesse Moch. Absent was Council Member Justin Reiland. Audience members in attendance Amy Clark, Damon Devillers & Zach Hatting with Interstate Engineering, Brittany Hatting, Nathan Berseth, Inis Frankl, Bonnie Gylland, Scott Gauslow, and Kim Berseth. Mayor Olson recognized the audience. Zach with Interstate Engineering is hoping to have plans and specs at the July meeting for the EPAC project for council review and approval. Zach noted that an ad for water loop bids will be placed in the paper June 26th and July 3rd. Zach is almost complete with a memo regarding current and future water usage. Once he is done collecting information, he will have this available to the council. Zach recommends sitting down with SEWU to re-negotiate city contract, asking for 25 gallons per minute. There are no issues with the current infrastructure handling the potential increase in gallons per minute. Zach updated the council on Colfax Meadows 4th. The road is complete, and are currently working on ditches and pond. There will be finishing touches on the road once all other work is complete. Zach supplied council members with the preliminary city comprehensive plan. An informational meeting will be presented by Interstate Engineering on June 27th at 7:30pm. The final plan will be presented at the July meeting for an approval vote. Zach needs any information we have regarding lagoon test reports. Interstate Engineering completed a survey of the Hwy 1 ditches going north. Council is working with the information to find someone to grade the ditch for better water flow. The drain tile behind Gyllands/Jacobsons/Steinolfson’s collapsed. KPH will be replacing the drain tile with a ditch to ensure water flow. A Petition for Annexation of Trackside Addition was received and presented to the Council, and a hearing was open for public comment. Discussion was held. Krump motioned to approve the Petition for Annexation of Trackside Addition as presented, seconded by Moch. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Reiland absent. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-3, Resolution to Rezone Trackside Addition to Commerical was presented. Krump motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Reiland absent. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-4, Resolution Directing Preparation of Engineer’s Report and Cost Estimate for Water and Street Improvement District No. ST24-001 (Trackside Addition) was presented. Krump motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Reiland absent. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-5, Resolution Approving Engineer’s Report and Directing Preparation of Detailed Plans and Specifications for Water and Street Improvement District No. ST24-001 (Trackside Addition) was presented. Krump motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Reiland absent. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-6, Resolution Approving Engineer’s Plans, Specifications and Estimates for Water and Street Improvement District No. ST24-001 (Trackside Addition) was presented. Krump motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Moch. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Reiland absent. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-7, Resolution Creating and Defining the Boundaries for Water and Street Improvement District No. ST24-001 (Trackside Addition) was presented. Krump motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Reiland absent. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-8, Resolution Directing Advertisement for Bids for Water and Street Improvement District No. ST24-001 (Trackside Addition) was presented. Krump motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Reiland absent. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-9, Resolution Determining Sufficiency of Petition Water and Street Improvement District No. ST24-001 (Trackside Addition) was presented. Krump motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Jacobson. Role call vote: Moch-yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson-yes. Reiland absent. Motion carried. Zach presented the water loop plans/designs to the council for review. Jacobson motioned to accept the plans as presented, seconded by Moch. Carried. Council reviewed the most recent version of the Colfax Reserve developer’s agreement. Discussion was held regarding various points of the revised developer’s agreement. Krump motioned to approve the developer’s Agreement for Colfax Reserve, along with the replat of Colfax Reserve, with the annexation and residential rezoning hearing to be held at the July meeting, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Discussion was held regarding the upgrading to the Insight monitoring system that will also be installed in the EPAC lift station. Council was in agreeance that this would be a good update to be made. The minutes of the May regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Jacobson moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Moch. Motion carried. The financial reports for May were reviewed. Krump made motion to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Jacobson, motion carried. The June bills were reviewed; Krump motioned to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Carried Old Business More solid preliminary numbers are available for the EPAC lift station/water line expansion. Further discussion with land owner will take place. Jeremy Boehm indicated he is working on surveying out a smaller portion of his land to have rezoned as commercial. Some deep-cut grading has occurred on a few roads, but more will be done in the near future. Discussion was held regarding various spots in town, including deep ruts on Laverne. Krump suggested a texting program to send out mass messages to city residents. Skoog will look into an option to get the city set up with it. New Business Election results were presented and discussed. Building permit application for a basement remodel at 607 Blaine St N. Jacobson motioned to approve the application, seconded by Moch. Carried. It was noted that residents need to hire a certified plumber to turn off curb stops before performing work. The city is not able to provide this service. Council will work on a long-term solution to a water employee. The 2025 proposed city budget was presented to the council. Krump motioned to approve the budget as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Mayor Report Jeff presented his concession speech as outgoing mayor. There being no further business, Krump made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Adjourned at 10:14pm. Comments are closed.
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