City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 4/15/2024
The regular April meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:15pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Kyle Krump, Shaun Jacobson, Jesse Moch, Justin Reiland. Audience members in attendance Amy Clark, Lyle Boehm, Josh Boehm, Inis Frankl, Nathan Berseth, Brittany Hatting, Nancy Kelly. Mayor Olson recognized the audience. Berseth presented a Petition to Annex along with a preliminary plat approval request for Trackside & Colfax Reserve-Phase One. Discussion was held. Berseth respectively withdrew his Petition to Annex and preliminary plat request for Colfax Reserve-Phase One, leaving his revised requests including only Trackside. Reiland motioned to move forward with the annexation request for trackside, with a hearing to be held at the Mary meeting, pending an updated Petition to Annex, 2nd by Krump. Krump motioned to approve the preliminary plat request for Trackside, with the hearing to be held at the May meeting, pending approval of the Petition to Annex, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Lyle & Josh Boehm presented a building permit application to move the house on the West side of Co Rd 1 to a foundation in Boehm Addition. Discussion was held. Council requested two modifications be made to the request, including a full re-siding of the home to ensure all siding matches, and the addition of a project completion date of 12/31/24. Approval is pending Todd’s approval. Krump motioned to approve the request as presented, including required modifications to the request, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Boehms also requested Colfax Boehm Subd Lot 2 Block 1 be zoned as residential. Krump motioned to move forward with the rezoning request hearing, seconded by Moch. Carried. A rezoning request will take place at the May meeting. The minutes of the March regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Krump moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Jacobons. Motion carried. The financial reports for March were reviewed. Moch made motion to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Jacobson, motion carried. The April bills were reviewed; Reiland motioned to approve the bills as presented, adding bills for US Treasury for $550.80 and Richland County for $962, seconded by Krump. Carried Old Business Cost share funds for the Waterloop project was approved and Interstate Engineering will be moving forward with the project. The Reservoir expansion project was removed from the waterlooping project due to changes in the state guidelines. Work will continue on locating other funding sources to allow for the project to move forward. Zach reported plans are not yet complete for the EPAC lift station/water line project, however he is working on them. Skoog is working on submitting funding paperwork. Discussion was held regarding the JPA Loan opportunity for the Comprehensive Plan. Jacobson motioned to approve the city moving forward with the JPA loan, seconded by Moch. Carried. The Council will hold a hearing at the May meeting to review and approve the Chapter Six Zoning: Land Use Planning changes. Contractor is working on finishing up the Colfax Meadows 4th project. Olson will have Brady Kummer start blading roads in town. The 3rd meeting for the City Comprehensive plan is on 4/16/2024. The completed plan should be available to the council by mid-summer. Skoog continues to work on updates and changes regarding the community center rentals and processes. The City Council received 3 mowing bids for the 2024 season. Discussion was held. Krump motioned to approve the bid from Trace Bakke, $165 per mow, seconded by Moch. Carried. The 2025 Budget will be reviewed at the May meeting. New Business Gravel bids were reviewed. Reiland motioned to accept the 2024 gravel bid from TJM, seconded by Krump. Carried. Water bills will be moving to the 1st of the month. All meters will continue to be read on the 1st of each month, with a bill being send out immediately after meters are read, with payment due the 20th of each month. Amy Clark will provide further information regarding Home Rule Charter for the council’s consideration. There being no further business, Reiland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Adjourned at 9:15pm Comments are closed.
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