City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 12/16/2024
The regular December meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Krump at 7:00pm. Present were Mayor Kyle Krump, Council Members Tom Steinolfson, Shaun Jacobson, and Jesse Moch. Absent was Scott Gauslow. Audience members in attendance were Zach Hatting with Interstate Engineering, Amy Clark, Lyle Boehm, Nathan Berseth. Krump recognized the audience. Zach provided updates on various projects. Trackside is complete. The Water Loop is done except surface restoration work, per the change order, which will be completed this Spring. Regarding the EPAC lift station, the plan is to install it in February so it’s ready for Spring. Zach presented the council with an updated preliminary engineering report draft for city wide street improvements for the council to start reviewing for future discussion. It was noted that there has been some recent ND law wording regarding special assessments when not voluntary, which will apply to this project. Discussion was held regarding the city’s bond limit and how quickly this threshold is being approached. Further discussion needs to be had with a bond attorney to determine best ways to move forward. Berseth reported that Richland County is looking at a 2028 project to have Co Rd 1 paved all the way North to Co Rd 2. It was noted to have a special meeting to further discuss the city financials. Zach expressed concern over the gate valves shut off when hooking up the water loop and how it affected water on Laverne Lane. Krump noted a few water plant issues and the repairs currently being worked on to resolve these issues. The minutes of the September 10 City Council meeting were reviewed. Steinolfson moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Krump. Motion carried. The minutes of the October 21 City Council meeting were reviewed. Steinolfson moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Motion carried. The minutes of the November 18 City Council meeting were reviewed. Jacobson moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Steinolfson. Motion carried. The minutes of the December 2 City Council meeting were reviewed. Moch moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Motion carried. The financial reports for November were reviewed. Jacobson made motion to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Moch, motion carried. The December bills were reviewed; Moch motioned to approve the bills as presented, adding council member amounts and $500 for Chad, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Jacobson motioned to pay off the remaining USDA loan balance of $3,473.11 as of 12/17/24, seconded by Moch. Carried. This would payoff the loan a couple months early, preventing additional paperwork needed for 2025. Old Business The first meeting of the Home Rule Charter Committee will be on January 14th, 2025. Steinolfson motioned to remove Donny Hendrickson from the Home Rule Charter Committee, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Discussion was held regarding an annual review of the auditor salary, and further tabled until after a financial meeting is complete. During the financial meeting the option of having a bill payment threshold will be discussed. Moch motioned for the 6 recurring monthly bills (Red River Communications, Cass County Electric, EMC Insurance, SEC Properties, Southeast Water Users, T&G Sanitation) to be auto-paid each month without needing council approval, seconded by Steinolfson. Roll Call Vote: Krump – yes, Steinolfson – yes, Jacobson – yes, Moch – yes. Absent – Gauslow. Carried. Nathan Berseth brought forth 2 building permits for shops in Trackside. Steinolfson motioned to approve, pending Todd’s approval, seconded by Moch. Carried. Nathan presented a bill for a culvert paid by him from 2022. Discussion was held and he will hold off on re-presenting the bill in January. Nathan also presented bills for Colfax Meadows 4, Trackside, and Reserve. Only the bills for Trackside can be approved at this time, and the others will need to wait for future discussion or when the project can be funded. Jacobson motioned to approve the Trackside bills presented (Interstate Engineering $40,868.76, Nathan Berseth $2,730, J&K Transport $24,587.35), seconded by Moch. Roll Call Vote: Krump – yes, Steinolfson – yes, Jacobson – yes, Moch – yes. Absent – Gauslow. Carried. Discussion was held regarding the implementation of the TextMyGov application, allowing a text message platform between the city and residents. Moch motioned to move forward with the implementation of the plateform, seconded by Steinolfson. Carried. Jacobson motioned to approve the Colfax Bar Beer/Liquor licenses for 2025, seconded by Moch. Carried. Krump inquired with Lyle what his plans are for the North house recently moved onto a foundation in the Boehm development. Steinolfson motioned to have the council move forward with an executive session, to be scheduled for a later date, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. There being no further business, Jacobson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Moch. Carried. Adjourned at 8:53 pm. City of Colfax – Special Council Meeting 12/2/2024
A special meeting of the Colfax Council was called to order by Mayor Krump at 6:04 pm at the Colfax Community Center. Present were Mayor Krump, Council Members Jesse Moch, Shaun Jacobson, and Scott Gauslow. Absent was Tom Steinolfson. Also in attendance was Richard Mower with Waste Management. Discussion was held regarding the Colfax Reserve plat provided to the council. Zach with Interstate Engineering will be working with Krump on some questions the council has on the plat. Further review and discussion will be held at the December regular meeting. A Change Order for the Trackside project was submitted. Gauslow motioned to approve the change order as presented, seconded by Moch. Carried. An amendment to the water loop project was submitted by Zach at Interstate Engineering. Gauslow motioned to approve the amendment, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Loan documents for Trackside were presented to the council. Jacobson motioned to approve the loan documents as presented, securing a $556,000 loan with Bank of North Dakota, seconded by Moch. Role Call: Krump – yes, Moch – yes, Jacobson – yes, Gauslow – yes. Carried. The financial report for October was reviewed. Jacobson made motion to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Moch. Carried. The November bills were reviewed; Gauslow motioned to approve the bills as presented, adding in the bill from Interstate Engineering, seconded by Jacobson. Carried Skoog reported that there is one final payment on the USDA water loan. Skoog will obtain the final payoff amount and present at the December meeting. Trackside bills for Interstate & Sellin Bros upon receipt of loan funds – Moch/Jacobson Richard Mower with Waste Management approached the council looking for information so he can present a proposal to the council for garbage services at the January meeting. There being no further business, Gauslow made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Moch. Carried. Adjourned at 7:05pm. |
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December 2024
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