City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 11/18/2024
The regular November meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Krump at 7:05pm. Present were Mayor Kyle Krump, Council Members Tom Steinolfson, Shaun Jacobson, Scott Gauslow, and Jesse Moch. Absent was Auditor Jen Skoog. Audience members in attendance were Inis Frankl, Zach Hatting with Interstate Engineering, Lyle Boehm, Mary Boehm Nathan Moen Krump recognized the audience. Lyle Boehm discussed draft development agreement that is being worked on for his development. Krump discussed the comments made by Amy Clark about edits that should be made in regard to adding in section on special assessments, zoning additions, and other items. The house on blocks was discussed, it was supposed to be set in place, but the contractor backed out and now there is not a definitive placing date. Goal is to get the two current houses done, there is no other desire to build additional houses but just to sell lots. Discussion on re-zoning and it was stated that no rezoning will be done until the development agreement is finalized. Suggestion is to have his lawyer work with Amy Clark to address concerns and get to a final draft for approval. Ditch cleaning bid came back at $45,000. Due to cost of the project, it has been tabled at this time. Mary Boehm asked about the potential lot that Nathan has offered up to the city to have a potential park. There are two potential lots that have been offered up, but the city has not addressed the offer yet. Mary mentioned there are some funding opportunities available. The lot on the North side is most likely the best possible solution for an additional park. Discussion on pool property was had and possible long-term solutions to get lots correct. A snow fence will be installed by the basketball court so people don’t park on it during winter. Users of the rink should park in the designated parking lots and walk in to the rink. Kyle will talk to Nathan about acquiring Lot #7. Raffle permit for Fire Department was reviewed. Motion by Scott for approval, 2nd by Tom, motion carries. $5 permit was paid. Zach discussed that Colfax Meadows 4th is closed out, Jen is submitting for final payment. Zach also noted that the water loop boring is complete and mains installed, just need to make connections. Weather is going to slightly delay, they will be back Thursday. Once back, they will install T’s in line and continue project. Need to shut down water for town at some point, will likely be less than 1-hour. Most likely be a couple of weeks before shut-down. Looking at doing on a weekend. Kyle will talk to Brittany Ghandi to find a best possible day. For Trackside, Cass County will be coming in and placing lights, and Sellin Bros is done. In regards to the Lift station and waterline to EPAC, with the delays, the contactor said the waterline will not get in this year, and it is possible to dig and install the can for the lift station yet this year. Waterline will not go in until Spring. CWSRS has been done for future Lagoon expansion. State inspectors found issues with the Lagoon between cells #1 and #2. Erosion around the banks that should be easy to fix, bigger issue is that the release valve is leaking. Its leaking where it is supposed to go, but we need to come up with action plan for resolution. Kevin from Abercrombie submitted water samples, they came back good. Awaiting discharge permit for fall discharge. City of Wahpeton is looking at doing a Regional wastewater facility, exploring if the city would be interested. Roads for town preliminary engineering report will be ready next meeting. No minutes to approve, no financial reports, no bills to approve. Jen is out on vacation. May have to have a special meeting to approve bills. Old Business Zach covered most of the topics. Some further discussion on potential road paving. Engineering reports will be in for December meeting. Kevin will be doing the Lagoon release and his compensation was discussed. City council employees will be looked to be certified for water sampling in the future. Motion by Tom to pay Kevin Bernier $500 for water sampling and release, 2nd by Scott, motion carries. City employee job description is being worked on by Kyle. Looking for a decision soon to hire a city water employee. Drainage ditch resolution is tabled until Spring. Discussed outstanding items with Todd. Todd was unable to attend and request to attend next meeting will occur. Home rule charter update: still working to pin down an initial meeting. Initial meeting will hopefully occur in early December. Unmaintained lots were submitted to the county and will be special assessed. Discussed communication options for city events, such as water being shut off. Discussion on if we should also buy a new back-up pump just in case, no action taken, will build in to a future budget. New Business No new business. There being no further business, Jacobson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Gauslow. Carried. Meeting minutes submitted by Jesse Moch |
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