City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 10/21/2024
The regular October meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Krump at 7:02pm. Present were Mayor Kyle Krump, Council Members Tom Steinolfson, Shaun Jacobson, Scott Gauslow, and Jesse Moch. Audience members in attendance were Karen Krump, Tiffany Elser, Travis Elser, Tim Elser, Nathan Moen, Lyle Boehm, Inis Frankl, Sid Berg, Tammy Frankl, Amy Clark, Tom Wulfekuhle, Cassie Wulfekuhle, Sue Bowman. Krump recognized the audience. Hearing for the rezoning of Lot 1 Block 1 of the Boehm Second Subdivision. Tim Elsner presented a draft of the intended plans for this lot. Discussion was held with Lyle Boehm regarding a developer’s agreement, including full engineering for roads, utility easements, and elevations. Council indicated that these items need to be completed and approved by the city council before further action can be taken within the development, including any rezoning. Moch motioned to deny the rezoning request as presented, seconded by Steinolfson. Role Call: Krump – yes, Steinolfson – yes, Jacobson – yes, Gauslow – yes, Moch – yes. Sue Bowman informed the council that the garage on their extra property is getting moved in the near future. She also asked what the board’s opinion is on the proposed dairy farm and water usage affecting the city. Krump indicated that the city is unaware and has no opinion on the matter since it doesn’t affect the city. Sid Berg brought forth concerns about the dusty roads and making it difficult to sit outside, asking why the city didn’t do dust control this year. Krump stated that it wasn’t on the council’s radar and agreed that it should be completed in future years. Discussion was held about construction vehicle signs put on Co Rd 4 to direct traffic to Co Rd 1. Further discussion was also held on the need to look at paving streets and the possibility of sidewalks. Council continued to discuss roads further, evaluating all possible future options and cost associated with it. Krump will request updated numbers from Interstate Engineering to discuss further. Lyle Boehm asked for some clarification on the garage of the first home he has placed in his development. The original building permit indicated that “New attached garage to be constructed later. Will submit another building permit separately”, however no additional building permit was requested before construction on the garage began. Before any further action can be taken, a permit application needs to be submitted with payment, the council needs to review and approve, Todd Johnson needs to review and approve, and a penalty fee associated with the served attorney’s letter, if applicable, needs to be paid. Krump addressed city-wide issues with water pressure over the past few weeks. One instance was due to a relay wire trip. The most recent instance it was due to the fire station filling trucks in an effort to fight a wild fire. The water loop project will be starting later this week and will supply a 6-inch line around town, resolving this issue going forward. The minutes of the regular September City Council meeting and the minutes from the October 10 special meeting were reviewed. Jacobson moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Moch. Motion carried. The financial reports for September were reviewed. Steinolfson made motion to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Gauslow, motion carried. The October bills were reviewed; Gauslow motioned to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Moch. Carried Old Business Work on the Water Loop project is projected to start on October 23rd. Discussion on the Reservior expansion was tabled until further notice. Regarding the EPAC lift station, Krump talked to Blaine Kummer, and he is in agreement to the board’s special meeting motion with contingencies. Amy presented a final agreement from Blaine and a draft for Richland #44 foundation for the board review. The city needs to decide in the next 30 days what the plan is to cover the remaining amount, and what revenue generating activity it will come from. City is waiting for final numbers and completion of the punch list on Colfax Meadows. No update on Colfax Reserve. No updated on Trackside. Street repairs – More gravel is needed on the city streets. Viele still needs to cut the roads before winter hits. Richland County did grading through town. No update on the City Water employee. No update on the Westside ditch. Since Todd was unable to be present at the meeting, Krump discussed the Stubson property with him. No further update. Krump will discuss the Home Rule Charter with Amy Clark to see the status of the committee meeting. New stop signs have not yet been installed and will most likely need to wait until Spring. Specials will be assessed on unmaintained lots in town. The updated building permit application will be addressed this winter. The topic of building inspector responsibilities will be tabled for the November meeting. New business John Haverland submitted a building permit for a deck. Steinolfson motioned to approve the building permit, contingent on approval from Nathan, seconded by Jacobson. In favor – Krump, Steinolfson, Moch, Jacobson. Opposed – Gauslow. Carried. Lyle Boehm submitted a building permit for a garage at 401 Boehm Way. Jacobson motioned to approve, pending approval from Todd and receipt of any applicable fines within 14 days, seconded by Moch. In favor – Moch, Jacobson, Krump, Gauslow. Opposed – Steinolfson. Carried. There being no further business, Gauslow made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Adjourned at 9:46pm. City of Colfax – Special Council Meeting 10/10/2024
A special meeting of the Colfax Council was called to order by Mayor Krump at 7:30 pm at the Colfax Community Center. Present were Mayor Krump, Council Members Tom Steinolfson, Jesse Moch, Shaun Jacobson, and Scott Gauslow. Discussion was held regarding the EPAC lift station options and the impact on all parties involved. Steinolfson motioned to approve the larger lift station contingent on a signed developer’s agreement with Blaine Kummer, and acceptance by the JPA of the city’s proposal, seconded by Moch. Carried. There being no further business, Steinolfson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Adjourned at 8:30 pm. |
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