City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 9/16/2024
The regular September meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Krump at 7:03pm. Present were Mayor Kyle Krump, Council Members Tom Steinolfson, Shaun Jacobson, Scott Gauslow, and Jesse Moch. Audience members in attendance were Lyle Boehm, Amy Clark, Nathan Berseth, Kim Berseth. Krump recognized the audience. Lyle Boehm inquired about the timing for the water loop project. Kyle provided details on the current timeline. Currently waiting for the Oct 10 state funding meeting for the final approval before beginning. Boehm also asked about the status of the ditch. Krump is waiting for a bid from Jim Viele on the grading work. Nathan Berseth brought forth issues with various homes in Colfax Meadows 3 that were signed off by the city building inspector but issues were discovered by an independently hired building inspector. Council requests that Todd Johnson attend the next city council meeting to help answer some questions regarding inspection responsibility. The minutes of the regular August City Council meeting were reviewed. Steinolfson moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Motion carried. The financial reports for August were reviewed. Moch made motion to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Jacobson, motion carried. The September bills were reviewed; Gauslow motioned to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Carried Old Business The Reservoir Expansion project is currently put on hold while the city works through the existing projects. Bids for the EPAC lift stations open tomorrow, September 17th. Krump will call a special meeting in the near future to discuss the results. No update on the Colfax Meadows 4 project. No update on the Colfax Reserves project. There is a Pre-Construction meeting on September 24th for the Trackside project. Jim Viele will be cutting the roads one more time so gravel can be added before winter. Discussion was held regarding overall street maintenance. Discussion was held regarding the city obtaining lots in Colfax Meadows 3 & 4 for future green space or roads. Krump will look into this further and bring forth information to the meeting next month. The City is still looking for a City Water Employee. Krump some water samples that need to be completed by the end of the month. Steinolfson brought forth a name for a possible part-time employee. Discussion was held regarding possible options to move forward on the Stubson property. No update regarding the Home Rule Charter. Krump is getting information from Amy. A letter from the city attorney was sent to Lyle Boehm regarding the unpermitted garage and associated fees. Council is requesting a developer’s agreement for the Boehm Addition. Stop/speed limit signs are not yet installed. Krump is hoping to complete this before fall, and if not, in the spring. Krump is working to compile a list of unmaintained lots in town that he maintained this summer. Fees will be assessed back to the property owners for maintenance. New Business Discussion was held regarding raising vector rates to ensure we are able to hire someone in the future to take care of all spraying. Tabled for future discussion. Discussion was held regarding the city purchasing culverts for new homes. Moch motioned to cease all city responsibility to cover the cost of culverts, placing this responsibility on the property owner, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Discussion was held on a possible new ordinance to require certain standards for new homes being built in town. A discussion was also held on building permit fees. Discussion was held regarding an option agreement for up to 20 acre lot of land north of the lagoon for future expansion. Amy suggested getting the land surveyed right away. Steinolfson motioned to purchase a bat-wing mower for $3k to be used for lagoon maintenance, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Steinolfson motioned to approve the 2025 Final Budget, seconded by Moch. Carried. Mayor report Cass County Electric will be installing 2 more street lights in Colfax Meadows 3. There being no further business, Jacobson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Gauslow. Carried. Adjourned at 10:015 pm. City of Colfax – Special Council Meeting 9/10/2024
A special meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Krump at 12:09pm. Present were Mayor Kyle Krump, Council Members Tom Steinolfson and Scott Gauslow. Absent were council members Jesse Moch and Shaun Jacobson Audience members in attendance were Scott Schmidt, Blaine Kummer, and Zach Hatting with Interstate Engineering. Krump recognized the audience and explained that the purpose of the meeting was to allow for a time for residents affected by the EPAC lift station assessment district to learn about the assessment district. Attendees asked questions and discussion was held. There being no further business, Jacobson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Gauslow. Carried. Adjourned at 12:57 pm. |
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