City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 8/19/2024
The regular August meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Krump at 7:03pm. Present were Mayor Kyle Krump, Council Members Tom Steinolfson, Shaun Jacobson, Scott Gauslow, and Jesse Moch. Audience members in attendance were Amy Clark, Josh Clark, Zach Hatting with Interstate Engineering, Inis Frankl, Karen Krump, Pete Krump, Josh Clark, Blaine Kummer, Nathan Berseth. Krump recognized the audience. Zach with Interstate Engineering provided updates on the various projects throughout town. Zach reported that Colfax Meadows 4th is seeded, the fountain is in the pond, and one manhole remains to be lowered. They are very close to completion. Zach reported that we are waiting on the DWR to review and approve our application for funding for the water loop. Regarding the EPAC lift station, Zach doesn’t have the alternate plan completed yet for the smaller lift station, but is looking for approval on the current plans and specs to move forward with the bids, noting that he will add the alternate to the addendum once completed. This will allow Interstate Engineering to complete publications for bidding right away, with the hopes to get the water lines in before the ground freezes. Moch motioned to approve plans/specs with the addendum to be added in by the end of next week, seconded by Gauslow. Carried. For the water line extension, Zach ordered locates for the stretch where they are unsure if the line is 2” or 4”. Zach prior brought forth prices for including InSight in all lift stations, allowing the stations to communicate amongst themselves. Kyle will look for the information and pass along to the council. Zach presented three different ditch options for fixing County Road 1 ditches. Discussion was held regarding each option, including timing. Krump will discuss with Jim Viele about grading the ditch. Topic tabled until September’s meeting. Zach met with SEWU and they approved to increase the contracted gallons to 15 gallons. A new contract will be coming to us soon. Nathan Berseth had a potential customer contact him about combining lots 7&8 in CM3. Amy Clark noted there is proper publication that needs to occur before moving forward. Steinolfson motioned to proceed with publishing the request, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Berseth also reported that he will be mowing all vacant lots in CM3, CM4, and Trackside going forward, and he will be collecting payment from the property owners instead of going through the city. Berseth requested that the city makes him aware of all building permits applications for CM3, CM4, and Trackside before we move forward with considering review. This would involve securing a ‘sign-off’ by Nathan before the city can move forward with review and consideration. Discussion was held about the need to put together a building permit committee. This will be discussed at the next regular meeting. The minutes of the regular July City Council meeting were reviewed. Gauslow moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Motion carried. The financial reports for July were reviewed. Jacobson made motion to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Moch, motion carried. The August bills were reviewed; Gauslow motioned to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Carried Old Business A special meeting will be held on September 10th at 12:00pm for those impacted by the EPAC lift station special assessment district to ask questions and be involved in further discussion. Gravel was laid on roads throughout town, however more roads need gravel, which will happen soon too. Discussion was held regarding responsibilities for a new city water employee. Krump will talk to Chad about his responsibilities and start from there. Building inspector will create and service a notice to the owner of the Stubson property. Discussion was held regarding a list of possible committee members and next steps for the Home Rule Charter Committee. Steinolfson motioned to appoint Cassie Wulfekuhle, Josh Clark, Jeff Olson, Jayme Helmer, John Haverland, Donny Hendrickson, and Cody Wester to the Home Rule Charter Committee, seconded by Moch. Carried. Committee will determine their first meeting date. Krump reported that new stops signs have not yet been installed. New Business A building permit for 204 Laverne Lane was presented. Gauslow motioned to approve the building permit as presented, pending Todd’s approval, seconded by Steinolfson. Carried. A building permit for a building and LP tank near the towers was presented. Gauslow motioned to approve the building permit as presented, pending Todd’s approval, seconded by Steinolfson. Carried. Krump reported that he completed the mowing on some unmaintained lots in the North addition. He will be submitting a bill to the city, along with a list of lots mowed so the city can charge back to the property owners, along with an administrative fee. Krump also reported that the current city mower is not sufficient enough to handle the lagoon mowing. He has arranged a larger tractor/mower to have this mowed for the time being. Discussion was held regarding the city ceasing payment of culverts needed for new builds. This expense has increased significantly over the past few years and is costing the city a large amount with current and future developments. Krump will discuss with Interstate Engineering on what size culverts are needed for certain streets, requiring owners to purchase their own in accordance with city sanctioned specs. Resolution 2024-20, Resolution Establishing Water/Sewer Rate Increase was presented. Jacobson motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Steinolfson. Role call vote: Gauslow – yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson – yes, Steinolfson – yes, Moch – yes. Motion carried. Resolution 2024-21, Resolution Authorizing Filing of Application with the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality for a Loan Under the Clean Water Act and/or the Safe Drinking Water Act was presented. Gauslow motioned to accept the presented resolution as read, seconded by Steinolfson. Role call vote: Gauslow – yes, Krump-yes, Jacobson – yes, Steinolfson – yes, Moch – yes. Motion carried. The garage at Boehm’s new house needs to be assessed a $1,000 fine for building without a permit. Amy Clark will send the letter. Boehm’s need to go through the proper permitting process to proceed with the build. There being no further business, Jacobson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Gauslow. Carried. Adjourned at approximately 10:00pm. |
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