City of Colfax – Special Council Meeting 5/30/2024
A special meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 2:00pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson and Council Member Kyle Krump. Absent was Shaun Jacobson, Jesse Moch, Justin Reiland. Quorum not met. Audience members in attendance Nathan Berseth, Zach Hatting, Britt Hatting, Amy Clark. Purpose of the special meeting was to continue discussion on the proposed Colfax Reserve Addition logistics and developer’s agreement. Discussion was held regarding access points. Agreed to include that Phase 2 would have an access point to the East, with exact details to be determined at a later date. Discussion was held regarding annexation. It was agreed to annex the whole property (Phase 1 & 2) simultaneously, however, it will be platted separately. Discussion was held regarding assessment of future lagoon expansion. It was agreed that the Reserve would cover their share of the lagoon expansion, since this is measurable. Also agreed that reservoir expansion will be assessed across the board similar to other properties. Discussion was held regarding ceasing lot sales if the reservoir capacity is reached and city’s plans for future projects. Discussion was held on green space/park space in Colfax Meadows 4th and Reserve. Discussion was held and an agreement reached that residents are responsible for culverts, however, the size and where to purchase will need to be indicated in the building permit. Discussion was held and an agreement reached to increase water hookup fees to $2,500 going forward. Discussion was held and an agreement reached to add 1% upcharge for the BND loan. Discussion was held on snow removal & road maintenance for Trackside & Reserve. Discussion was held on the city having control of how future ‘shouses’ look. Nathan will finish his covenants and share with the city to put worries at ease. Being no further topics, meeting was adjourned. City of Colfax – Regular Council Meeting 5/20/2024
The regular May meeting of the Colfax City Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:03pm. Present were Mayor Jeff Olson, Council Members Kyle Krump, Shaun Jacobson, Jesse Moch, Justin Reiland. Audience members in attendance Brittany Hatting, Amy Clark, Grant Loff, Pete Krump, Karen Krump, Nancy Kelly, Nathan Berseth, Damon Devillers, Zach Hatting, Inis Frankl, Bonnie Gylland, Kim Berseth, Jesse Rieger, Blaine Kummer, Scott Gauslow, Tom Steinolfson, Seri Moch, Jeremy Boehm, Vance Gylland, and Tom Wulfkuehle. Mayor Olson recognized the audience. Zach with Interstate Engineering pre presented the final plat for Trackside Addition. The council was asked to approve the plat, conditional of the annexation request to be brought forth to the council at the June 2024 council meeting. Vote was called. Moch – yes, Jacobson – yes, Krump – yes. Carried. As part of the water extension line/EPAC project, Zach presented a map of the new proposed waterline and suggested that an easement be obtained at the corner of Grant & Co Hwy 4. Zach commented that the corner is ‘a mess’, indicating water lines being placed haphazardly with different pipe sizes. Interstate will be working to clean this up when completing the water line extension. Zach will provide final specs so the City can submit cost-share paperwork for construction & DWSRF funding. Zach reported that a portion of the roads were graveled in Colfax Meadows 4th before the rain, and they are holding until rain stops and roads dry up. Grading, seeding, and pond work will also happen once the ground has dried up. Zach also presented a memo regarding the current lagoon capacity and what that looks like moving forward with developments. It was emphasized that sump pumps are currently a huge problem when draining into the lagoon system, thus taking up needed space in the system. Residents are asked to make sure to drain outdoors whenever possible! Zach reviewed two different scenarios, taking into consideration current population along with other possibilities of population expansion, which includes if Colfax Meadows 3 & 4 were fully built out. The council is aware that this is an urgent topic and future discussions will be held. Insight program will be installed into the EPAC lift station to record run times, be able to talk to other lift stations in town to time pumping, and to notify any issues. Zach suggested that the city upgrades the other lift stations to include Insight, allowing for communication between all lift stations. As soon as storm water flooding goes down near Co Rd 1 & Co Rd 4, Interstate Engineering will survey the corner to evaluate levels, and determine what may need to be done for drainage. Zach is working on the final estimate on EPAC project so the city can move forward with the assessment district. A Hearing was held regarding the proposed Chapter 6 - Zoning Ordinance revisions. Discussion was held. Moch motioned to approve the proposed Chapter 6 changes, seconded by Krump. A roll call vote was called. Reiland – yes, Moch – yes, Jacobson – yes, Krump – yes. Passed. Rezoning Request Hearing was held to rezone the following property to residential, and to hear and consider objections to the survey as made: COLFAX BOEHM SUBD LOT 2 BLK 1, CITY OF COLFAX, RICHLAND COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA. Discussion was held. A vote was called. Reiland – yes, Moch – yes, Jacobson – yes, Krump – yes. It was noted that Jeremy Boehm will need to request his property be rezoned to Commercial to meet the new zoning requirements. Once this formal request is received from Jeremy, a hearing will take place. A developer’s agreement for the new Trackside Addition was presented via email to the council by Brittany Hatting on 5/17/2024. Discussion was held. Krump motioned to approve the following items, pending approval of the annexation request at the June meeting: the presented developer’s agreement, the creation of a special assessments district, and allow Jeff to sign off on the final agreement once received. The motion was seconded by Moch. Carried. Britany Hatting presented and reviewed the Colfax Reserve Development Premises sheet. Discussion was held. Concerns were raised regarding timing of the Colfax Reserve approval and the City Comprehensive plan review, along with timing of the lagoon capacity report. Krump motioned for general consensus for process, including a hearing on the preliminary plat and rezoning at the regular meeting on June 17, 2024, seconded by Reiland. A vote was called – Reiland – yes, Moch – no, Krump – yes, Jacobson – yes. A special meeting will take place on May 30th at 2pm via Zoom to further discuss the proposed developer’s agreement. The minutes of the April regular City Council meeting were reviewed. Reiland moved to approve minutes as presented, seconded by Krump. Motion carried. The financial reports for April were reviewed. Krump made motion to approve the financials as presented, seconded by Jacobson, motion carried. The May bills were reviewed; Krump motioned to approve the bills as presented, adding True North Steel for $1,863, removing Superior Plumbing and EMC (EMC is being renewed and a bill will be presented in June), seconded by Moch. Carried Reiland will order a curb key for city use and have it charged to the city. Old Business Brady Kummer will blade streets again after the rain events this week. Olson reported that the Comprehensive Plan committee will be having another meeting soon, and will be able to present the full plan in the near future. New Business Building Permits for the following addresses were presented to the council: 601 Blaine, 302 Neuman, 105 Neuman, 305 Neuman, 208 Laverne, 304 Neuman. Krump motioned to approve the building permits as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Carried. Another small sink hole has appeared on 2nd Ave in the same location as last year. Council will need to evaluate the situation to decide further action. Home Rule Charter information was presented to the council. Discussion was held. Krump motioned to move forward with initiating the Home Rule Charter process, seconded by Reiland. Carried. Chad Lingen filed his resignation from city employment effective immediately. Krump motioned to accept the resignation as presented, seconded by Jacobson. Caried. A new City water employee will need to be established. An annual contract with ND Sewage & Pump was presented to the council. Reiland motioned to approve the contract, seconded by Krump. Carried. There being no further business, Reiland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Moch. Carried. Adjourned at 10:22pm. |
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